Fursan al-Aqsa Infiltration Demo

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Apr 29, 2017
Fursan al-Aqsa Announcement Trailer - All the Power to the People of Palestine


Watch the video:
Soundtrack by Rodrigo KTarse the Great Insurgent Rapper of Brazil's Guetos!

Updated Demo

Download PC Version: Download PS3 Version: Download Xbox360 Version:
This Updated Demo of Fursan al-Aqsa - Knights of al-Aqsa Mosque will allow players to have a taste of the Campaign Mode, which has a gameplay very similar to (and inspired by) the Classic Shooter Goldeneye 007, with many mission objectives to complete on each "mission", such as destroying security cameras, sabotaging some Israeli equipment, finding documents that reveal more details about the game’s plot, planting bombs, invading Israeli bases, finding and murdering a specific enemy, rescuing Palestinian civilians, hijacking vehicles, taking down planes.

Adding to this, there is a Multiplayer Map, Battle of Negev Desert, so you all can revive the Golden Days of Split Screen Multiplayer Games.

On consoles (PS3 and Xbox360), the multiplayer mode works outside the box, as for PC, you need to have 2 Xbox360 Gamepads for PC. However, it works aswell with ANY PC Gamepad through the Xbox360 Controller Emulator, which is already included with PC Version.

After you install the PC Version, just go to C:\Users\YOURNAME\Documents\My Games\Fursan al-Aqsa Press Beta\Support\Xbox360ControllerEmulator.zip

All the intructions are there.

The full version of this game will be released in January 2021, Insha Allah (God's Willing)

I hope you all enjoy this updated demo, as there is too much love, dedication and many sleepless nights spent on this project.

Assalamu Alaykum, may the Peace be upon You!

Nidal Nijm.

Note: There is a small bug in the game (which does not interfere with gameplay), it is a bug in the version of Unreal Engine 3 that I am using. Sometimes, when the player leans against some walls and tries to shoot, the projectile of the weapon is not launched. To solve this, just tap in any direction (W, A, S, D / analog directional on consoles) and shoot again. This is because the starting point of the projectile launch in Unreal Engine 3 is calculated in relation to the position of the player's camera, and sometimes the camera is "pressed" on some walls when the player is too close, losing the starting point of calculation for launching the projectile.
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Apr 29, 2017

Allah Akbar! All the praise be to Allah! My game will be showcased on @IndieCade Festival, GameSlam Opening Event! This is a dream coming true!
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Douglas Oliveira

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Jun 5, 2015
Nice,good job,thanks,but next time add Spoiler pls


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Apr 29, 2017
Nice,good job,thanks,but next time add Spoiler pls
Oops, another BR brother. We BR are in every place of the world!

Okay, I didn't know. I'm friend of Younis (the head of the forum here). I have this topic published here:


But as I released an updated demo of the game, I asked him to give me a help to promote this new demo, and he asked me to create a new article (topic) for him to pin it on the homepage of the site.

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Douglas Oliveira

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Jun 5, 2015
Opa, mais um irmao BR. Rapaiz, nois BR estamos em tudo que é lugar do mundo mesmo!

Tudo bem, eu não sabia. Eu sou amigo do Younis (o chefe do forum aqui). Eu tenho esse topico aqui publicado:


Mas como eu lancei uma demo atualizada do game, pedi para ele me dar uma força pra divulgar essa nova demo, e ele me pediu para criar um novo artigo (topico) para ele fixar no homepage do site aqui.

Indiferente de seu ser brasileiro,SEMPRE escreva em ingles por regras do site e corrija sua publicação adicionando Spolier.
Regardless of your being Brazilian, ALWAYS write in English by site rules

Douglas Oliveira

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Jun 5, 2015
Fursan al-Aqsa Announcement Trailer - All the Power to the People of Palestine


Watch the video: http://tiny.cc/om0zsz

Soundtrack by Rodrigo KTarse (https://www.youtube.com/user/rodrigo17290) the Great Insurgent Rapper of Brazil's Guetos!

Updated Demo

Download PC Version: http://tiny.cc/ym0zsz
Download PS3 Version: http://tiny.cc/zm0zsz
Download Xbox360 Version: http://tiny.cc/1n0zsz

This Updated Demo of Fursan al-Aqsa - Knights of al-Aqsa Mosque will allow players to have a taste of the Campaign Mode, which has a gameplay very similar to (and inspired by) the Classic Shooter Goldeneye 007, with many mission objectives to complete on each "mission", such as destroying security cameras, sabotaging some Israeli equipment, finding documents that reveal more details about the game’s plot, planting bombs, invading Israeli bases, finding and murdering a specific enemy, rescuing Palestinian civilians, hijacking vehicles, taking down planes.

Adding to this, there is a Multiplayer Map, Battle of Negev Desert, so you all can revive the Golden Days of Split Screen Multiplayer Games.

On consoles (PS3 and Xbox360), the multiplayer mode works outside the box, as for PC, you need to have 2 Xbox360 Gamepads for PC. However, it works aswell with ANY PC Gamepad through the Xbox360 Controller Emulator, which is already included with PC Version.

After you install the PC Version, just go to C:\Users\YOURNAME\Documents\My Games\Fursan al-Aqsa Press Beta\Support\Xbox360ControllerEmulator.zip

All the intructions are there.

The full version of this game will be released in January 2021, Insha Allah (God's Willing)

I hope you all enjoy this updated demo, as there is too much love, dedication and many sleepless nights spent on this project.

Assalamu Alaykum, may the Peace be upon You!

Nidal Nijm.

Note: There is a small bug in the game (which does not interfere with gameplay), it is a bug in the version of Unreal Engine 3 that I am using. Sometimes, when the player leans against some walls and tries to shoot, the projectile of the weapon is not launched. To solve this, just tap in any direction (W, A, S, D / analog directional on consoles) and shoot again. This is because the starting point of the projectile launch in Unreal Engine 3 is calculated in relation to the position of the player's camera, and sometimes the camera is "pressed" on some walls when the player is too close, losing the starting point of calculation for launching the projectile.
Add Spolier https://prnt.sc/uz6ip0


Sep 17, 2020
Fursan al-Aqsa Announcement Trailer - All the Power to the People of Palestine


Watch the video:
Soundtrack by Rodrigo KTarse the Great Insurgent Rapper of Brazil's Guetos!

Updated Demo

Download PC Version: Download PS3 Version: Download Xbox360 Version:
This Updated Demo of Fursan al-Aqsa - Knights of al-Aqsa Mosque will allow players to have a taste of the Campaign Mode, which has a gameplay very similar to (and inspired by) the Classic Shooter Goldeneye 007, with many mission objectives to complete on each "mission", such as destroying security cameras, sabotaging some Israeli equipment, finding documents that reveal more details about the game’s plot, planting bombs, invading Israeli bases, finding and murdering a specific enemy, rescuing Palestinian civilians, hijacking vehicles, taking down planes.

Adding to this, there is a Multiplayer Map, Battle of Negev Desert, so you all can revive the Golden Days of Split Screen Multiplayer Games.

On consoles (PS3 and Xbox360), the multiplayer mode works outside the box, as for PC, you need to have 2 Xbox360 Gamepads for PC. However, it works aswell with ANY PC Gamepad through the Xbox360 Controller Emulator, which is already included with PC Version.

After you install the PC Version, just go to C:\Users\YOURNAME\Documents\My Games\Fursan al-Aqsa Press Beta\Support\Xbox360ControllerEmulator.zip

All the intructions are there.

The full version of this game will be released in January 2021, Insha Allah (God's Willing)

I hope you all enjoy this updated demo, as there is too much love, dedication and many sleepless nights spent on this project.

Assalamu Alaykum, may the Peace be upon You!

Nidal Nijm.

Note: There is a small bug in the game (which does not interfere with gameplay), it is a bug in the version of Unreal Engine 3 that I am using. Sometimes, when the player leans against some walls and tries to shoot, the projectile of the weapon is not launched. To solve this, just tap in any direction (W, A, S, D / analog directional on consoles) and shoot again. This is because the starting point of the projectile launch in Unreal Engine 3 is calculated in relation to the position of the player's camera, and sometimes the camera is "pressed" on some walls when the player is too close, losing the starting point of calculation for launching the projectile.
Allah hu akbar
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Apr 29, 2017
Fursan al-Aqsa Pseudo Raytracing on GTS360M, PS3 and Xbox360!



Today I want to showcase a Pseudo #Raytracing #Shader I made for #FursanAqsaGame and it runs smoothly on #GTS360M/#PS3/#Xbox360! I updated the Demo with this shader and a better balanced difficulty.

This is NOT a real raytracing effect, however, the final results are good enough, as I showcase below, and most importantly, it does not reduce performance, as it is just a material setup. I updated the Demo with this new shader and a better balanced difficulty.

This new shader basically uses the Unreal Engine 3 Material Function called Reflection Vector and a metallic reflection texture (an image file), everything linked to the Specular Map Input and Multiplied by the Diffuse Input of Unreal Engine 3 Material editor, as you can see here:


Here follows some screenshots








Cheers and until next update!

Miss @ Security

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Jul 13, 2016
Fursan al-Aqsa Announcement Trailer - All the Power to the People of Palestine


Watch the video:
Soundtrack by Rodrigo KTarse the Great Insurgent Rapper of Brazil's Guetos!

Updated Demo

Download PC Version: Download PS3 Version: Download Xbox360 Version:
This Updated Demo of Fursan al-Aqsa - Knights of al-Aqsa Mosque will allow players to have a taste of the Campaign Mode, which has a gameplay very similar to (and inspired by) the Classic Shooter Goldeneye 007, with many mission objectives to complete on each "mission", such as destroying security cameras, sabotaging some Israeli equipment, finding documents that reveal more details about the game’s plot, planting bombs, invading Israeli bases, finding and murdering a specific enemy, rescuing Palestinian civilians, hijacking vehicles, taking down planes.

Adding to this, there is a Multiplayer Map, Battle of Negev Desert, so you all can revive the Golden Days of Split Screen Multiplayer Games.

On consoles (PS3 and Xbox360), the multiplayer mode works outside the box, as for PC, you need to have 2 Xbox360 Gamepads for PC. However, it works aswell with ANY PC Gamepad through the Xbox360 Controller Emulator, which is already included with PC Version.

After you install the PC Version, just go to C:\Users\YOURNAME\Documents\My Games\Fursan al-Aqsa Press Beta\Support\Xbox360ControllerEmulator.zip

All the intructions are there.

The full version of this game will be released in January 2021, Insha Allah (God's Willing)

I hope you all enjoy this updated demo, as there is too much love, dedication and many sleepless nights spent on this project.

Assalamu Alaykum, may the Peace be upon You!

Nidal Nijm.

Note: There is a small bug in the game (which does not interfere with gameplay), it is a bug in the version of Unreal Engine 3 that I am using. Sometimes, when the player leans against some walls and tries to shoot, the projectile of the weapon is not launched. To solve this, just tap in any direction (W, A, S, D / analog directional on consoles) and shoot again. This is because the starting point of the projectile launch in Unreal Engine 3 is calculated in relation to the position of the player's camera, and sometimes the camera is "pressed" on some walls when the player is too close, losing the starting point of calculation for launching the projectile.
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Apr 29, 2017
This is another toy for my collection :D

This is the IWI TAR-21 Submachine Gun with all it's glory and gore!

#FursanAqsaGame #indiegame #indiedev #UE3 #UE4 #UnrealEngine #gamedesign #3dAnimation #3dmodeling #3dsmax #maya #ModernWarfare #CallOfDuty #CallOfJihad #FreePalestine






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Apr 29, 2017
We never give up! We never bow to our enemies!

We're gonna resist with bullets until our last breath!

Here follows some of the arsenal you will have on #FursanAqsaGame for truci****** Zionists without mercy!

#indiegame #UE3 #UnrealEngine #indiedev #FreePalestine #Zionism







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