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PS3 [GTA 5/PS3] How to Use CSC Loader SPRX For Script Mod Menu C++

Lush _Modz

Active Poster
Active Member
This is how to Load your script .csc menu using a sprx mod menu - This allows you to edit, add options, test stuff fully in real time. You just rename the .csc file as " DevScript " then put the .csc file in your tmp folder using FileZilla. Now you repeat the process for every build. This is a great way to edit your script mod menu from just a sprx loader. Make sure you have a good stack size for your script in order to load it in game. ( You Do Not Have To Restart GTA Every time Now!)

Only works on BLES!
CSCLoader.sprx goes to /dev_hdd0/tmp/CSCLoader.sprx
EBOOT.BIN goes to /dev_hdd0/game/BLES01807/USRDIR/EBOOT.BIN
put your script you are writing to /dev_hdd0/tmp/DevScript.csc (must rename it to this! You can change the main .c file in your project to DevScript to compile to DevScript.c)

How to use:
1. Make sure you have an FTP server running in the background that you can connect to while running GTA V (webman works fine!)
2. Put your csc DevScript.csc into /dev_hdd0/tmp/DevScript.csc via the FTP connection.
3. Click 'Load Script'
4. Choose the 'Stack Size' appropriate
5. Click 'Toggle Script' to start/stop the script
6. Repeat step 2-5 without shutting down the game to test different compilations of the CSC

Sprx and injector port to c++ by gopro_2027
Original injector code (C#) by Erootik
Base by Faze Modz and 2much4u


Last edited by a moderator:
This is how to Load your script .csc menu using a sprx mod menu - This allows you to edit, add options, test stuff fully in real time. You just rename the .csc file as " DevScript " then put the .csc file in your tmp folder using FileZilla. Now you repeat the process for every build. This is a great way to edit your script mod menu from just a sprx loader. Make sure you have a good stack size for your script in order to load it in game. ( You Do Not Have To Restart GTA Every time Now!)

Only works on BLES!
CSCLoader.sprx goes to /dev_hdd0/tmp/CSCLoader.sprx
EBOOT.BIN goes to /dev_hdd0/game/BLES01807/USRDIR/EBOOT.BIN
put your script you are writing to /dev_hdd0/tmp/DevScript.csc (must rename it to this! You can change the main .c file in your project to DevScript to compile to DevScript.c)

How to use:
1. Make sure you have an FTP server running in the background that you can connect to while running GTA V (webman works fine!)
2. Put your csc DevScript.csc into /dev_hdd0/tmp/DevScript.csc via the FTP connection.
3. Click 'Load Script'
4. Choose the 'Stack Size' appropriate
5. Click 'Toggle Script' to start/stop the script
6. Repeat step 2-5 without shutting down the game to test different compilations of the CSC

Sprx and injector port to c++ by gopro_2027
Original injector code (C#) by Erootik
Base by Faze Modz and 2much4u


nice and gopro_2027 THE KING xD
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