Whats new in v1.3.1 :
- Checked all Sprx using SPRX Checker for CID Stealers, all safe..
- New Button Textures..
- Fixed some SPRX problems ..
- Deleted some JUNKS ..
- Added Lush Mods v5 Modloader ...
- Added SunRISE V2 Modloader..
- Added AnonymZ V2 Modloader...
- Added GTA5Modder V1 Modloader...
- Deleted Hextic SPRX not working ..
Installer PKG Contains:
- 32 newest Modloaders for HEN
- 19 SPRX Menus for HEN
All Working and TESTED on PS3 HEN 4.88
Online WORKS!
- Modloaders or any SPRX mods are not mine. Credits to all the developers who made the mods.
- Be sure to download the latest version of the pkg in the mega folder, might checking it for time to time for updates.
- How to Install:
1. First install "Modded eboot and original update.rpf".
2. Install the Modloader or SPRX Menu you want for your BLES copy of GTA V
- !!When going between Modloader to SPRX menu installers or vice versa you need first to install the "Modded eboot and original update.rpf" then the next mod you want!!!
- If a Modloader or SPRX made a Black screen/crash after starting GTA V, restart your ps3 and Start GTA V again, it would work 100%, all mods are working and tested on HEN.
-IF THINGS JUST DONT WORK ANYMORE INSTALL "original eboot and original update.rpf" AND START ALL OVER AGAIN.
Download link -
ScreenShots : https://imgshare.io/album/gta-v-bles-hen-mod-installer.NsETO
Open for more modloaders or sprx suggestions to add to the Installer
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