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PS3 GTA V - Online Mod Menu

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Hi, I'm looking for a usb mod menu for gta v, so I can host modded lobbies, also no jailbreak please.
And also let me know what I should do to install it on my console.
Thank you! (:
It can't be done. You have to replace files, which is done through FTP, or homebrew such as Multiman, and you have to have a jailbroken system to run homebrew.
No usb mod menu bro YOU NEED JAILBREAK!
I'm not sure and what do you mean a valid dumb?
Nvm bra send your ps3 away to get jail broken or buy a jail broken ps3 while your waiting for your console do some/alot of research on how to use it and so you don't ask about things that are total false.
Nvm bra send your ps3 away to get jail broken or buy a jail broken ps3 while your waiting for your console do some/alot of research on how to use it and so you don't ask about things that are total false.
Thinking about it bro.
I just don't have the cash at the moment, can you flash and jailbreak a ps3 via usb? And not having to pay for like an E3 Flasher or anything?
Thinking about it bro.
I just don't have the cash at the moment, can you flash and jailbreak a ps3 via usb? And not having to pay for like an E3 Flasher or anything?
NO USB! You will only be able to use KaKaRoTo PS3xport with IDPstealer Released By flatz to install games on ofw for free but its not easy and I havn't gotten that far yet so idk. No sorry bra.
NO USB! You will only be able to use KaKaRoTo PS3xport with IDPstealer Released By flatz to install games on ofw for free but its not easy and I havn't gotten that far yet so idk. No sorry bra.
Not a worry bro, i will look into it a little more see how I go
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