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help!!!!!!asus laptop


it goes out with the fan and power on and i couldn't turn it off, so i let the battery die and it won't take charge and won't come in, i discharge it and that didn't work.
Can you turn on the ASUS Laptop with just the charger?

It sounds like you are in hibernation mode, but I'm not entirely sure. (assumption)
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Can you turn on the ASUS Laptop with just the charger?

It sounds that you maybe in hibernation mode, but I'm not entirely sure. (assumption)

I thinks his PC just gets stuck in hibernation mode. He should be able to turn his PC off by holding the power button for 15 secs (force shutdown) I recommend trying to disable hibernation through your sleep options in windows
I thinks his PC just gets stuck in hibernation mode. He should be able to turn his PC off by holding the power button for 15 secs (force shutdown) I recommend trying to disable hibernation through your sleep options in windows
cannot turn on . it is not even charging.
not the charger because it charges another computer
Dose the computer (broken one) show any indication of it receiving power?
not receiving any power
Ok that tells me its something to do with the power socket. Take out the battery and something like a tooth pick and see if the thing in the middle is loose. It will be metal or plastic .

Ok that tells me its something to do with the power socket. Take out the battery and something like a tooth pick and see if the thing in the middle is loose. It will be metal or plastic .

when i put the charger in the laptop gets hot on the side where the socket hole is.
when i put the charger in the laptop gets hot on the side where the socket hole is.

Then i would say its safe thats the power socket is broke
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