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[HELP]Ghosts RTM/RTE [1.06] CEX

The thread is asking for help a work around to stop the freezing. I already posted what I did but people are telling him to switch the DEX and the OP most likely doesn't want to due it because of the risk of brick. So DEX is more stable but with my instructions I can play modded games for hours.
Honestly.. the only way you would brick your console when switching to dex is if you are really mentally retarded.. (no offence)
From my personal experience, it all depends on the code quality of the tool using ccapi. v2.00 is stable enough and has a marginal memory footprint unless u start hooking prx plugins to it. 99% of freezes come from bad handling from the tool, not from the api. Basically if a memory page has to be discarded or such but the tool ure using keeps itself attached unconditionally u get locked waiting. My own code doesnt stall since i never keep locks longer than needed. Not every coder is a developer, aware of thread safety, race conditions, singletons, etc.

Specifically answering, make sure u got latest ccapi and try different clients, even better if u can make your own, since almost always those are the source of trouble and anyway u shouldnt thrust every app u find. Also make sure u close tools before closing games, else same faulty app logic applies. And instead of plugging out keep power button pressed for a long time so chipset will suffer less, the watchdog never hangs with cpu.

That DEX vs CEX war is a different topic, where i say nowadays u dont need a debug unit unless ure actually debugging. And REX is still more powerful than both: http://rebug.me/
"I need some help from someone who knows what their talking about."
Here to help:)
Do as i say:

1. Stay on CEX **** DEX..
2. Download 2.00 CCAPIpkg by Enstone and install it on your ps3..
3. Go to NGU and download a tool for ghosts 1.06 the one i use is Aneras tool best one out there..it has everything client menu xp lobby mods etc..
4. Only use console manager to change cid!
5. Download FORCE HOST Eboot for ghosts (CEX).
6. Go to Multiman replace the eboot with the original..(i assume you know how to do it)
7. Open the tool and enter your ip ( to find ip go to internet settings and details) and click "Connect"
8. Boot up ghosts.
9. Go back to tool click "attach".
10. Voila, all done use the tool to your liking :)
P.s. the freezing was cause by the old version of the CCAPI pkg since it used up too much memory which caused the ps3 to either freeze or boot you to the start up screen saying problems about the firmware..

If i helped or found this useful please press the "Like" button :)

dude can u give me a link for the new or latest version of the CCAPI pkg because am on cobra rogero 4.46 and when i used the CCAPI pkg my ps3
freezes at start up.
dude can u give me a link for the new or latest version of the CCAPI pkg because am on cobra rogero 4.46 and when i used the CCAPI pkg my ps3
freezes at start up.
Only 2 versions released, v1.00 and v2.00. But ccapi is a sprx compiled against 4.50 modules. btw new cobra firmwares are coming, weeks ago cobra staff released source code to the scene. Check habib 4.53 v1.04 cobra edition, even i still suggest habib 4.50 v1.03 for the regular user.
Question you able to mod the xp amount on CEX?
On COD: Ghosts what can a DEX do than a CEX,

DEX is by far worth getting than CEX, you just haven't taken the extra step
Okay let me rephrase myself people don't seem to be understanding a point I'am trying/Was trying to make earlier!!

Let me reason it!!!

1. DEX is used as a Debugging station FOR DEVELOPERS who test games that they are developping! (I assume you guys don't go on DEX to develop apps or games anyway..)
2. CEX can do everything that DEX can now in terms of RTM (Real Time Modding) ever since the CCAPI was released thanks to Enstone! I am sure that all you modders out there just want a modded console for modding games and backing up games incase your disc goes missing or something. So to Rephrase that point once again! (YOU CAN DO ANYTHING THAT DEX CAN ON CEX FOR MODDING)

(Just to go back to your question " On COD: Ghosts what can a DEX do than a CEX" answer = nothing extra sane thing!)

3. Don't switch to dex not worth it anything you wanna do you can do on CEX, and also if you don't know what you're doing you can brick your console, if you do attemp for some reason don't blame me if you stuff up!

4. Dex consoles require DEBUG.EBOOT for each game you modify!! On CEX you don't need to hassle with that shit! (Oh and also a fact, on games that you use a modified eboot you are almost 100% to get banned quicker than using a normal eboot, please take BO2 as an example, on cex you go and mod the shit out of it for days where as on DEX in a couple of hours then bye bye..

5. THE MAIN REASON: All the "OG HAXORZ" lol telling you to switch to DEX because it soooo special well it was, until the breakthrough of CCAPI, so GG up to you what you lads do but my point stays...

Please give this a "Like" if i helped in anyway ;)

I'm hosting an XP Lobby right now on CEX Ghosts :)
"I need some help from someone who knows what their talking about."
Here to help:)
Do as i say:

1. Stay on CEX **** DEX..
2. Download 2.00 CCAPIpkg by Enstone and install it on your ps3..
3. Go to NGU and download a tool for ghosts 1.06 the one i use is Aneras tool best one out there..it has everything client menu xp lobby mods etc..
4. Only use console manager to change cid!
5. Download FORCE HOST Eboot for ghosts (CEX).
6. Go to Multiman replace the eboot with the original..(i assume you know how to do it)
7. Open the tool and enter your ip ( to find ip go to internet settings and details) and click "Connect"
8. Boot up ghosts.
9. Go back to tool click "attach".
10. Voila, all done use the tool to your liking :)
P.s. the freezing was cause by the old version of the CCAPI pkg since it used up too much memory which caused the ps3 to either freeze or boot you to the start up screen saying problems about the firmware..

If i helped or found this useful please press the "Like" button :)
Nice reply bro, tottaly agree with you..
Bro, if u are on CEX, thats maybe you didnt install Enstone.pkg, maybe you need to download ForceHost Eboot.bin, because XP lobbies, godmode, and rte tools dont work without being HOST.
Hey CC,
I need some help from someone who knows what their talking about. Someone who actually knows something about RTM or RTE on Ghosts.

I have never had any luck hosting XP lobbies or anything on Ghosts. The most ive done is just mod myself. But with all the latest creations using CCAPI (Console Control) with clients, I started to use that kind of stuff. Everything runs smoothly until im in a game and try to use non-host mods or even just refresh the clients list. Then my PS3 freezes, sometimes I cant even restart. I have to pull the power plug.

Can anyone give me some input or have a solution???

is your laptop connected to internet!!! when you try rte it works for me when im connected !! to internet ;)
is your laptop connected to internet!!! when you try rte it works for me when im connected !! to internet ;)
Was that a joke?? "is your laptop connected to internet!!!" i assume that's meant to be a question yet the stupidest I've heard no offense..
Was that a joke?? "is your laptop connected to internet!!!" i assume that's meant to be a question yet the stupidest I've heard no offense..
rte it wont connect for me if im not connected to internet bro it works for me fine when my laptop is connected lol i use console manger also lol
rte it wont connect for me if im not connected to internet bro it works for me fine when my laptop is connected lol i use console manger also lol
Wow no shit man, you need an IP address and for that you need an internet connection...lol how else would you use it otherwise???
Wow no shit man, you need an IP address and for that you need an internet connection...lol how else would you use it otherwise???
lol yok what if some one didnt no how to connected rte
ber: 1185"]Wow no shit man, you need an IP address and for that you need an internet connection...lol how else would you use it otherwise???[/quot
Wow no shit man, you need an IP address and for that you need an internet connection...lol how else would you use it otherwise???
lol ok yes but what if some one didnt no how to connected to rte lol:Grog:
Bro for the last time go DEX solves everything,
its not impossible to get host.. Called having a Rebug EBOOT if your on DEX, with super host, if you need a link i could do that.
DEX is like a GOD
CEX is like those kids always wanting to be GOD.
I would go DEX, the problem is having a damn wired connection.
Hey CC,
I need some help from someone who knows what their talking about. Someone who actually knows something about RTM or RTE on Ghosts.

I have never had any luck hosting XP lobbies or anything on Ghosts. The most ive done is just mod myself. But with all the latest creations using CCAPI (Console Control) with clients, I started to use that kind of stuff. Everything runs smoothly until im in a game and try to use non-host mods or even just refresh the clients list. Then my PS3 freezes, sometimes I cant even restart. I have to pull the power plug.

Can anyone give me some input or have a solution???

hi m8 im on cex I have no trouble hosting xp on ghosts I use a cex force host eboot and rawdogs cex tool and everythings fine no bugs and host everytime
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