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we need more than that to help you, are you running a backup, what type of firmware you are using multiman version, then we are talking
Been through this problem more than once.

1.Either delete update and find the update for your version of GTA V BLUS [or] BLES
2. If your trying to RTM , Connect your Ps3 with FTP SERVER , if you use BlackB0X use that ; or [Ps3ITA Manager > Start > Network > FTP.]
3. Go into the game file and find the Update that has the EBOOT , find the game in the dev_hdd0/game/BLUSxxx/USRDIR >>>>EBOOT.BIN<<<< Drag that to Desktop.
4. Im assuming your on DEX , if you are then just keep reading..
5. Now that the EBOOT.BIN is in the desktop get [DarkEbootFixer] IDK if im allowed to post link downloads so im not sure, but google it.
6. Open DarkEbootFixer , drag the EBOOT.BIN into the whole folder of DarkEbootFixer.
7. Run DarkEbootFixer_ENG in the folder and Press these keys 0 [press enter ] 7 [press enter] 1 [press enter] .
8. Now your all done? Great! now take the EBOOT.BIN that you dragged into the folder of DarkEbootFixer , take it out and drag that and replace it with the one thats in your GTA V Folder.
9. Congratulations! Im 100% Sure this is gonna fix your problem and your lucky i took the time to help you .. i did because this was really frustrating for me and no one has helped me with it
i had to learn the hard way , enjoy playing online!
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