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how do i get an open nat type with a vpn HELP

Dana White

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Does anyone know how to get an open nat type on bo2 when using a vpn when i dont use the vpn its open i have tried multiple options like port forwarding resting my router and everything else google says to do so dont say google it cos i have tried.

This is the vpn im using:https://airvpn.org/
Solution 1: The Quick Way
Turn your router on and off again. Ha! We know it’s the old IT solution but this will often solve the problem. If you use a wireless router and NAT setting keeps going from Open back to Moderate after a while, it may be worth checking the security on your wireless router, as it’s likely someone else is leeching from your connection. Set a password for it, at minimum.

Solution 2: The Long Way
If the turn-off-and-back-on trick doesn’t work, you have to do this the long way.

First of all, you need to find out the IP of your router. Connect to your router using your PC/Mac and go into Network Preferences > Advanced, open up DOS and type “ipconfig”. Note down the your IP number.

Now type your IP number into your internet browser. You’ll be asked for the name and password – if you don’t have these available, look up the default passwords for your router on Google (for example, Sky broadband is usually ‘admin’ for name and ‘sky’ for password).

Finally, when you access the router, you’ll have a whole host of options to go through. The one you want will make reference to DMZ and should have somewhere you enter an IP number. Enter the IP number into the relevant section of the DMZ tab and bingo! Open NAT and you can play online again.
isn't this problem to do with how much bandwidth the vpn is giving you?
Solution 1: The Quick Way
Turn your router on and off again. Ha! We know it’s the old IT solution but this will often solve the problem. If you use a wireless router and NAT setting keeps going from Open back to Moderate after a while, it may be worth checking the security on your wireless router, as it’s likely someone else is leeching from your connection. Set a password for it, at minimum.

Solution 2: The Long Way
If the turn-off-and-back-on trick doesn’t work, you have to do this the long way.

First of all, you need to find out the IP of your router. Connect to your router using your PC/Mac and go into Network Preferences > Advanced, open up DOS and type “ipconfig”. Note down the your IP number.

Now type your IP number into your internet browser. You’ll be asked for the name and password – if you don’t have these available, look up the default passwords for your router on Google (for example, Sky broadband is usually ‘admin’ for name and ‘sky’ for password).

Finally, when you access the router, you’ll have a whole host of options to go through. The one you want will make reference to DMZ and should have somewhere you enter an IP number. Enter the IP number into the relevant section of the DMZ tab and bingo! Open NAT and you can play online again.
i have already tried this way but i will try it again and see if it works
i have already tried this way but i will try it again and see if it works
Good luck, Also try going on to your router isp, E.G: "" tha for sky, once you're on it go to MDZ something like that and add your ps3 IP and add the second and first DNS.

I hope it works.
Good luck, Also try going on to your router isp, E.G: "" tha for sky, once you're on it go to MDZ something like that and add your ps3 IP and add the second and first DNS.

I hope it works.
i dident work its a fag :rage::rage:
Does anyone know how to get an open nat type on bo2 when using a vpn when i dont use the vpn its open i have tried multiple options like port forwarding resting my router and everything else google says to do so dont say google it cos i have tried.

This is the vpn im using:https://airvpn.org/
Tell me your adsl provider and I would tell you how to change your ip through your router
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