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How to access PSN with a banned PS3 console

Download and install wireshark and winPcap (included with the wireshark installer)
Download and install the .net runtimes
Download and install PS3 ProxyServer
Open a command prompt (start menu -> all programs -> accessories -> command prompt) and enter command “ipconfig”. Write down the IPv4 address (should look like or something similar)
Open PS3 ProxyServer and copy the IPv4 address you wrote down into the IP Address field and check of PS3 mode, leave the other options alone. Hit the big start button. Keep you IPv4 number handy, you’ll need it again. Leave this program running.
Open Wireshark. On the left side there is an option to start capture. Left click with your mouse to select the appropriate network adapter listed below the start command. If you are not sure about which adapter to use, select them all using ctrl + left mouse click. Hit the start button once you’ve highlighted the appropriate adapters. Leave this program running.
Boot up your PS3 and navigate to Settings -> Network Settings -> Internet Connection Settings. on the first page select custom, on the second select whether you are connected wirelessly or wired. Skip all other options by hitting right on your controller until you get to the Proxy Server page, then select use for that option.
Input the IPv4 address you wrote down earlier into the top field. Make sure that the port number on this page matches the port number on PS3 ProxyServer (should both say 8080).
Skip to the last page on the configuration and hit x.
Test connection when prompted by hitting x again. As long as the top 3 fields say succeeded you can carry on to the next step. if not, review your settings in this step and steps 5 and 6 and retry.
Sign into the playstation network and login to the psn store.
Go back to your pc and check Wireshark. There should be a whole bunch of information displayed on the screen, don’t worry you don’t need to know what it means. Press [ctrl]+ e to stop capturing, then press [ctrl]+f to bring up your search dialogue.
Under “find” check of “string” and under “Search In” check off “Packet bytes”. Enter 0000000100 as your search criteria and hit enter. If the necessary packet was found, in the bottom frame it should show the number highlighted on the right side (plaintext view) to ensure you have the right packet, right before the highlighted text it should say “devideID”:” and then the numbers you searched for.
Take all the numbers and letters starting with your highlighted numbers and copy everything down until you find the next quotation mark in the plaintext. You should have a total of 32 digits written down. Should look something like 000000010084 followed by a bunch of letters and numbers.
(does this still work ?)
It does not sadly. This method of fishing console Id's was patched back in 4.31 although people took an extreme advantage and got a lot of CID's out of this... lol fail sony
Download and install wireshark and winPcap (included with the wireshark installer)
Download and install the .net runtimes
Download and install PS3 ProxyServer
Open a command prompt (start menu -> all programs -> accessories -> command prompt) and enter command “ipconfig”. Write down the IPv4 address (should look like or something similar)
Open PS3 ProxyServer and copy the IPv4 address you wrote down into the IP Address field and check of PS3 mode, leave the other options alone. Hit the big start button. Keep you IPv4 number handy, you’ll need it again. Leave this program running.
Open Wireshark. On the left side there is an option to start capture. Left click with your mouse to select the appropriate network adapter listed below the start command. If you are not sure about which adapter to use, select them all using ctrl + left mouse click. Hit the start button once you’ve highlighted the appropriate adapters. Leave this program running.
Boot up your PS3 and navigate to Settings -> Network Settings -> Internet Connection Settings. on the first page select custom, on the second select whether you are connected wirelessly or wired. Skip all other options by hitting right on your controller until you get to the Proxy Server page, then select use for that option.
Input the IPv4 address you wrote down earlier into the top field. Make sure that the port number on this page matches the port number on PS3 ProxyServer (should both say 8080).
Skip to the last page on the configuration and hit x.
Test connection when prompted by hitting x again. As long as the top 3 fields say succeeded you can carry on to the next step. if not, review your settings in this step and steps 5 and 6 and retry.
Sign into the playstation network and login to the psn store.
Go back to your pc and check Wireshark. There should be a whole bunch of information displayed on the screen, don’t worry you don’t need to know what it means. Press [ctrl]+ e to stop capturing, then press [ctrl]+f to bring up your search dialogue.
Under “find” check of “string” and under “Search In” check off “Packet bytes”. Enter 0000000100 as your search criteria and hit enter. If the necessary packet was found, in the bottom frame it should show the number highlighted on the right side (plaintext view) to ensure you have the right packet, right before the highlighted text it should say “devideID”:” and then the numbers you searched for.
Take all the numbers and letters starting with your highlighted numbers and copy everything down until you find the next quotation mark in the plaintext. You should have a total of 32 digits written down. Should look something like 000000010084 followed by a bunch of letters and numbers.
(does this still work ?)
NO bro sony patched the wireshark exploit ages ago.. :

2. Choose the IP and Region ( these should be valid and working entries ).

3. Go to Tools -> Rewrite -> PS3DNS – eth0 -> Rules -> Add.

4. Under the “Body” type, check the “Request”, “Regex” and “Replace All” boxes. Complete the two “Value” fields with your banned PS3 ID ( in the first case ) and, the same number followed by “1” in the second case. Things should look like in the image below.


5. Click OK two times.

6. On the PS3, go to network settings and change the first DNS field. Here, you must enter your PC’s IP address. The second field should be

7. Now activate the Proxy and complete the Host field with the same IP address as above. For the port number, use 8888.

8. Now log in the PSN and it should work.

and bro ,, that megaupload link wont work cuz FBI seized megaupload.com for money laundering , piracy and racketeering charges,,
Bro MegaUpload Got Shout Down By FBI
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