How to add scripts to your script.img with OpenIV

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Sep 27, 2013
1.) Firstly you need OpenIV

2.) Now you need Xbox Image Browser

3.) Now you need a modified script.img & script_network.img, I currently recommend MDv5 which is available here.

4.) Now you have the script & script_network.img, you need to open your script.img in OpenIV, so lets get started.

When you first launch OpenIV you will be presented with the following screen.

You can select either EFLC or GTA IV, they will both do the exact same thing, I usually use EFLC so I'm going to click that.
NOTE: OpenIV will probably ask you where your GTAIV.exe/EFLC.exe file is.
Next you shall be presented with the following screen, so go ahead and click file -> open archive.


Now navigate to the file you downloaded (or are going to add .sco's to), and hit open.

You will be presented with a screen similar to this one, you want to go ahead and click "edit mode" so as you are able to add/rename .sco files.

Now you want to add your .sco file, so go ahead and select the + button and you shall be prompted to select a file to add.

After adding your .sco file, you must name it correctly for it to be loaded, I added example.sco so I'm going to rename it to a modslot, for my current setup I'm using MDv5 so it's addonmenu1.sco through addonmenu10.sco


Now that you've added your .sco file you want to rebuild your .img, to do this go File -> Rebuild.


Now you're set! Now all you need to do is Open your ISO in Xbox backup creator and replace your script.img and script_network.img and you're set to burn/play :biggrin:.

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