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How to change CID on 4.70 CEX with the computer (like CCAPI)?


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Hi all, I know that I maybe should not do this question, but I need some application like CCAPI, I need just the "Change CID" feature.. I dont know why Enstone doenst update CCAPI quickly like the others, anyway me and my friends need this program (like CCAPI, not in .pkg format or things like that on ps3) Thanks :D
I have the same problem, I'm using ferrox 4.70 and CcApi_package_2.60 and say

But i have no problem with the psn, what can i do?
I just downgraded with the Rogero Downgrader, and after I installed a cfw that resets the cfw to 3.55, and then I upgraded to Darknet 4.66 and I still use CCAPI.. If you want I can give you links of cfw I used..
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