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How to get free PSN avatars


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Hey Crunchers ;)

Today i`ll show you how to get free PSN avatars on your PS3

-A custom firmware PS3

- A FTP Program



Open any FTP program on your PS3, then go to your PC and connect to it via filezilla.

Now you need to go to: dev_hdd0/home/Your user profile/PSN_Avatar/ (Place the avatars here)

If you dont have the folder psn_avatar, then dont worry, you just need to make a new directory called: psn_avatar, and drag your avatar files in there. The avatar files must be .EDAT files.

I will provide the download link for some avatars that i think is quite cool ;)

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/0bd045udduazbfw/PSN Avatars dark souls 2.zip

These avatars are the Dark Souls 2 avatars.

0000000x - x is your user number. If you have more than one user on ps3, then copy it to the profile you will use.

Hope this helped you :)
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Thank's man I'll try it soon :)
I have few questions for you (sorry if I do mistakes I'm french ;)), If I go on my OFW with this avatar I have it or I keep the last ? And how can you make the possibility to download them ? (it cool be cool to builde a free galery xD)
Thank's man I'll try it soon :)
I have few questions for you (sorry if I do mistakes I'm french ;)), If I go on my OFW with this avatar I have it or I keep the last ? And how can you make the possibility to download them ? (it cool be cool to builde a free galery xD)
If you install this on your account from your CFW, you can use them on your OFW :)
If you install this on your account from your CFW, you can use them on your OFW :)
Thanks that's anwesome :)
-> I have paid avatars on a other account and I want to put one on my first account, I just need copy/past the edat ? I haven't my cfw so I cann't take a look
Thanks that's anwesome :)
-> I have paid avatars on a other account and I want to put one on my first account, I just need copy/past the edat ? I haven't my cfw so I cann't take a look
Yeah, just do that :)
Thank's again you rock man, I never seen thread like that in french forum ;) ( I came across this forum by chance xD )
Nice :)

This forum is really good, you should stay ;)
Is There Any other avatars we can get other than these? please link me, and this is a real nice post bro.
I've forgot your thread I'm just trying that today xD
The avatars I've bought on my OFW, I cann't see them on the file psn_avatar how I do for take them ?
This method does NOT work because the EDAT files need activation from rif files and you can't just simply copy and paste them to another profile because the rif files are pre-activated on your act.dat file to your PSN account and copying the act.dat won't work either because act.dat files are allocated to an account. (Unless of course those PSN avatars you provided are decrypted, modified, and resigned to bypass the rif file requirement.)
They work because the edat files are fixed with rap files that come from rif files. Just try it :)
You also can see my thread, that includes a lot of avatars, all fixed.
They work because the edat files are fixed with rap files that come from rif files. Just try it :)
You also can see my thread, that includes a lot of avatars, all fixed.
Ohh ok, also I bought some avatars that I would like to give away to the public but I don't know how to patch the edat files. :(
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