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How to Host Modded Lobbies.


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Over the last couple of days I have been PM'd a number of times about how to host modded lobbies on Call of duty.
You can apply mods on through any type of file manager

OLD Method!

Things you'll need for the First method:

1. A Patch (just search for your desired games patch update)

Cod4: 1.7

WAW: 1.5

MW2: 1.14

Black Ops: 1.13

MW3: 1.24

You are going to need any type of File Manager
I would prefer Comgenies Awesome File Manager, But choose the one that suits you best.

Download you patch, Put It in a new folder called "Patch" on your usb.
  1. Navigate to dev_hdd0 > Game > BLUS30377 (US) or BLES00686 (EU) > USRDIR and highlight over Patch_mp.ff.
  2. Press Right on the D-Pad to switch to the menu on the left side.
  3. Navigate to dev_usb000 > PATCH and highlight over Patch_mp.ff.
  4. Now press Select, O (Circle), then Start. Then press the PS Button and select Quit Game.
  5. Now start your game and test it out

Very informative for new people wanting to get Into modding, good job :)
Nice bro! ;) Reminds me of the older days ;)

But MW3 is going eboot style :)
Over the last couple of days I have been PM'd a number of times about how to host modded lobbies on Call of duty.
You can apply mods on through any type of file manager

OLD Method!

Things you'll need for the First method:

1. A Patch (just search for your desired games patch update)

Cod4: 1.7

WAW: 1.5

MW2: 1.14

Black Ops: 1.13

MW3: 1.24

You are going to need any type of File Manager
I would prefer Comgenies Awesome File Manager, But choose the one that suits you best.

Download you patch, Put It in a new folder called "Patch" on your usb.

    • Navigate to dev_hdd0 > Game > BLUS30377 (US) or BLES00686 (EU) > USRDIR and highlight over Patch_mp.ff.
    • Press Right on the D-Pad to switch to the menu on the left side.
    • Navigate to dev_usb000 > PATCH and highlight over Patch_mp.ff.
    • Now press Select, O (Circle), then Start. Then press the PS Button and select Quit Game.
    • Now start your game and test it out

Bro this is 2014
Not 2005

Ok.guys follow my tutorial

1. Download Force Host Eboot
2. INSTALL ON HDD/USDR Game folder

Thats it guys now u can do modded lobbys
Lol, good point sony xD
You should`ve made it 2014 style, added filzilla :)
Yeah, so why not make it a little bit more simple, and transfer them from filezilla?
But filezilla is the easiest method, then making it easier for noobs to use ;)
Yeah, that`s true xD

Sorry for saying anything buddy, Nice post :)
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