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How To Make Console ID's Last Longer (Outdated)

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Guess who's back, back again
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Console ID Poster
Wanting to increase the time of a working IDPS - (Console ID)? Well, It's simple. Just download the homebrew apps PS Ninja v4 and PSN Patch 4.XX (these homebrew apps are not 100% confirmed to be working) from the links below and install them onto your PS3.

PS Ninja v4:
Open up the homebrew app and there will be 7 different options to select from. Press X on the options listed below.

Always make sure to do this before signing into PSN.

  • Wipe History
  • Make History Read Only
  • Clear Web Browser History
  • Be Seen Again
  • And then Exit
PS Ninja v4 is a old homebrew app and is not 100% confirmed to be working and could may well get you banned faster.

PSN Patch 4.XX:
Open up the homebrew app and there will be several different options to select from. Press X and it will select the option 'Spoof IDPS, PSID, disable CFW' this will disable your CFW Syscalls, spoof your IDPS And PSID at the same time.


PSN Patch homebrew app is not 100% confirmed to be working and could may well get you banned faster.

Important Notice:

Never be signed in to PlayStation Network while using any homebrew apps. If you're signed in while on a homebrew app, Sony's automatic security system may ban your account or system.

If you're modding on high ban risk games such as BO2, Ghosts, Advanced Warfare and GTA 5, make sure to use anti ban eboots to extent the time of staying unbanned.

By doing these things, you could extend the life time of a working IDPS - (Console ID).

Please note that everything on this thread is not 100% confirmed to be working and could may well get you banned faster.

You will find your CFW update for PSN Patch here: http://store.brewology.com/ahomebrew.php?brewid=244

PSNinja v4 here: http://store.brewology.com/ahomebrew.php?brewid=189

Updated: 01/06/2015
(please do not edit this thread without asking me first).
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