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How to mod W@W zombies


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  1. Before I start, there are millions of tutorials on this, but CC didn't have one so I figured why not? (and W@W has my favorite zoms)

    Items you'll need:
    1) Jailbroken PS3

    2) CoD: World At War, either a disc or a backup (I use backups for faster load times)

    3) A way to access your PS3 file system. Ex: MultiMan, Comgenies File manager.
    Filezilla (need an ftp program like BlackB0x on your ps3 **If you use a ftp program you won't need a usb)

    4) A modded patch.ff

    5) a USB stick (unless you're using a ftp program)

    Using MultiMan / Comgenie's File Manager:
    1) Download the Zombies mod menu that you want (links at the bottom)
    2) Plug your USB into your computer and then format it to the FAT32 filesystem
    3) place the patch.ff you just downloaded onto the root of your usb for easy access.
    4) safely eject your usb
    5) plug your usb into your PS3's furthest right slot (closest to the blu-ray Drive)
    6) run multiMan and start the File Manager / mmOS
    7) Browse to your USB and your W@W folder
    (W@W folder is located at /dev_hdd0/game/BL**30***/USRDIR/english The *'s differ by region
    8) Copy and paste your modded patch.ff from your USB to your USRDIR folder
    9) start W@W Zombies and enjoy mods :)
    Using Filezilla/FTP Client:
    1) Download and install Filezilla or a ftp client of your choice
    2) Download the Zombies mod menu you want (links at bottom)
    3) If you're on 3.55 install BlackB0x if you're on 4.21,4.40,4.50 I recommend PS3ITA manager v1.51
    4) Run BlackB0x/PS3ITA manager from the PS3
    5) Run filezilla and like you would using multiMan or Comgenies browse to /dev_hdd0/game/BL**30***/USRDIR/english
    6) Copy and paste your modded patch to the USRDIR
    7) Start W@W Zombies and enjoy mods :)

    Pic of Physics n' Flex v2

    MENUS (patch.ff):
    Physics n' Flex v2
    Motion Flex v1
    Discarded V2
    phoenix v4
    Filezilla-BlackB0x-PS3ITA manager:
    PS3ITA manager

hi m8 should find some good cex tools for blk ops 1 there is none about if I could make one I would ????????????
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