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How to spoof ID's


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Console ID Poster
Here you see how to make your CID holding last longer !

1. Download CCAPI and install it on your computer: mediafire.com download/82daazd0widv50c/CcApi_package_2.60_Rev7.rar

2. Start Control Console API

3. Add your Playstation to CCAPI with the IP of the PS3.


4. Connect with your Playstation.


5. Go to the ,,Console ids" tab and paste the unbanned CID in the upper textbox and klick on ,,Set current idps".


6. Sign in with your Playstation.

7. Start the game you want.

8. Once the game has started go back to CCAPI.

9. Paste this CID in: ''00000000000000000000000000000000" and klick on ''Set current idps"

Thats it ! This way you spoof CID's.

Happy Modding
...If you sign in with the working idps then whats the point? Games dont get your cid.
...If you sign in with the working idps then whats the point? Games dont get your cid.
Rockstar Is Banning You By You're Console ID, Not Sure If They Still Do.... And Not Sure If Other Games Do...
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fucking retarded inbred like you so predictable would say shit like that dumb ass, do something useful you wanka just sit there fapping all day.
Wow nice you are the most childish member, :smoking:
Why some people say that spoofing gets ids banned real quick is because of the following reason:-

We all know (unless you're a noob) that using any type of homebrew app on ps3 after signing in gets the id banned.

So when people spoof the ids they use CCAPI homebrew after signing in which is why the ids are getting banned like wild-fire.
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