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Huawei P40 Pro notification fix


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Due to not having any Google services and some apps require Google services for notifications install the files below and it should spoof the apps to think Google is installed.

First download below files from this website https://microg.org/download.html

Services Corecom.google.android.gms

Services Framework Proxycom.google.android.gsf

Store (FakeStore release)com.android.vending

1. Perform a factory reset of the phone.

2. Install Services Core.

3. Install Services Framework Proxy.

4. Install the FakeStore.

5. Open the Microg Settings app. Grant it all permissions and disable battery optimizations.

5.1 Add your Google account.

5.2 Turn on Device Registration, Cloud Messaging and SafetyNet.

5.3 Restart your phone.

6. Open Microg Settings app, check the status under Cloud Messaging. If it says not connected enter the following in the phone app: *#*#2432546#*#* and restart your phone. Check the status again - it should say Connected. (I had to enter the phone string and restart my phone twice until it said connected).

All this will give you is push notifications since we can not enable signature spoofing. If you restore apps from a backup you may have to delete their cache/and or data before they start using Microg for their messaging.
First download below files from this website https://microg.org/download.html

Services Corecom.google.android.gms

Services Framework Proxycom.google.android.gsf

Store (FakeStore release)com.android.vending

1. Perform a factory reset of the phone.

2. Install Services Core.

3. Install Services Framework Proxy.

4. Install the FakeStore.

5. Open the Microg Settings app. Grant it all permissions and disable battery optimizations.

5.1 Add your Google account.

5.2 Turn on Device Registration, Cloud Messaging and SafetyNet.

5.3 Restart your phone.

6. Open Microg Settings app, check the status under Cloud Messaging. If it says not connected enter the following in the phone app: *#*#2432546#*#* and restart your phone. Check the status again - it should say Connected. (I had to enter the phone string and restart my phone twice until it said connected).

All this will give you is push notifications since we can not enable signature spoofing. If you restore apps from a backup you may have to delete their cache/and or data before they start using Microg for their messaging.
nice post bro
First download below files from this website https://microg.org/download.html

Services Corecom.google.android.gms

Services Framework Proxycom.google.android.gsf

Store (FakeStore release)com.android.vending

1. Perform a factory reset of the phone.

2. Install Services Core.

3. Install Services Framework Proxy.

4. Install the FakeStore.

5. Open the Microg Settings app. Grant it all permissions and disable battery optimizations.

5.1 Add your Google account.

5.2 Turn on Device Registration, Cloud Messaging and SafetyNet.

5.3 Restart your phone.

6. Open Microg Settings app, check the status under Cloud Messaging. If it says not connected enter the following in the phone app: *#*#2432546#*#* and restart your phone. Check the status again - it should say Connected. (I had to enter the phone string and restart my phone twice until it said connected).

All this will give you is push notifications since we can not enable signature spoofing. If you restore apps from a backup you may have to delete their cache/and or data before they start using Microg for their messaging.
Well done Bro
Awesome bro have heard really great reviews for the P40! Glad to know this if I was to get it.
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