This menu is created by me and helped by other devs. Thank you for supporting LegendarySprx free version, now here's the paid version. Im always improving and adding fun mods to the menu. Your able to mod players account within the lobby, give rp, show players ip address, give money, take money, and lots more. Soon to be added Give players modded outfits and mini menu. I hope you enjoy LegendarySprx Paid. Feel free to go here and buy
This menu is created by me and helped by other devs. Thank you for supporting LegendarySprx free version, now here's the paid version. Im always improving and adding fun mods to the menu. Your able to mod players account within the lobby, give rp, show players ip address, give money, take money, and lots more. Soon to be added Give players modded outfits and mini menu. I hope you enjoy LegendarySprx Paid. Feel free to go here and buy