PS3 Local Button Monitoring (C++ | C# | Vb.Net)

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Apr 6, 2014
This is the Local Button Monitoring for call of duyt black ops 1. Happy Coding!


namespace ButtonMonitoring
int LocalButtons = 0xd19800;
enum Buttons
DpadUp = 0x1FF,
DpadDown = 0x20F,
DpadRight = 0x21F,
DpadLeft = -0xC47E5F,
R3 = 0x1CF,
Square = 0xEF,
Cross = 0xCF,
LeftCursorUp = 0x27F,
LeftCursorLeft = 0x29F,
LeftCursorRight = 0x2AF,
LeftCursorDown = 0x28F,
R2 = 0x1EF,
L2 = 0x1DF,
Select = 0x1AF,
Start = 0x19F
bool ButtonPressed(Buttons Button)
return (*(int*)(LocalButtons + Button) != 0);
You can use it like this:
if (ButtonMonitoring::ButtonPressed(ButtonMonitoring::R3))
console_write("R3 has been pressed");


private static UInt32 LocalButtons = 0xd19800;
public enum Buttons
DpadUp = 0x1FF,
DpadDown = 0x20F,
DpadRight = 0x21F,
DpadLeft = -0xC47E5F,
R3 = 0x1CF,
Square = 0xEF,
Cross = 0xCF,
LeftCursorUp = 0x27F,
LeftCursorLeft = 0x29F,
LeftCursorRight = 0x2AF,
LeftCursorDown = 0x28F,
R2 = 0x1EF,
L2 = 0x1DF,
Select = 0x1AF,
Start = 0x19F
public static Boolean ButtonPressed(Buttons Button)
return Convert.ToBoolean(PS3.Extension.ReadByte(LocalButtons + (UInt32)Button) == 1);
You can use it like this (Use a timer!)
if (ButtonPressed(Buttons.Cross))
MessageBox.Show("Cross Have Pressed!","Success");


Private Shared LocalButtons As UInt32 = &HD19800
Public Enum Buttons
DpadUp = &H1FF
DpadDown = &H20F
DpadRight = &H21F
DpadLeft = -&HC47E5F
R3 = &H1CF
Square = &HEF
Cross = &HCF
LeftCursorUp = &H27F
LeftCursorLeft = &H29F
LeftCursorRight = &H2AF
LeftCursorDown = &H28F
R2 = &H1EF
L2 = &H1DF
Select = &H1AF
Start = &H19F
End Enum
Public Shared Function ButtonPressed(Button As Buttons) As Boolean
Return Convert.ToBoolean(PS3.Extension.ReadByte(LocalButtons + Button) = 1)
End Function
You can use it like this: (Use a timer!)
If ButtonPressed(Buttons.Cross) Then
MessageBox.Show("Cross Have Pressed!", "Success")
End If

Credits: SC58 For the addresses
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