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Looking For Moderator

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Hello members,

We're looking for a moderator that can do all duties such a participating in discussions and more.. and must write good English and grammar.

If you think about helping the community and know about alot about the PlayStation scene, then this could be for you. :)

Reply with your age, country and maybe a little paragraph about yourself.
  • Must NOT have any warning points.
  • You are at least 18 years of age
  • You have been active in the community for at least 3 months.
Will be closed on 10/05/2014
Hello Crunch,
Im a very active member on consolecrunch i enjoy posting etc. I Also like helping people with things such as helping them to get on dex/cex and alot of other things i've been modding for about 3 years when i hosted Elite Mossy v1 on Modern Warfare 2. I'm 18 i haven't been on console-crunch for 3 months but im on everyday i hope to post and aim for 20 posts a day, i'd love to moderate a site help people around and tell them where to go to find a certain category i am a very helpful person and i always will be i just hope for a great opportunity to show myself and i am great at grammar
Thanks - BeerFearModz
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What's up crunchy, I'm always active and I constantly help people, I also post very useful a and informative threads. Sadly, I am not of 18 years of age, but I have the mentality of an 18 year old and I personally believe that will suffice. I'm also someone you can count on and trust to get the job done and be active. Thanks for your time bro and I congratulate anyone who earns this title.
Hello members,

We're looking for a moderator that can do all duties such a participating in discussions and more.. and must write good English and grammar.

If you think about helping the community and know about alot about the PlayStation scene, then this could be for you. :)

Reply with your age, country and maybe a little paragraph about yourself.
  • Must NOT have any warning points.
  • You are at least 18 years of age
  • You have been active in the community for at least 3 months.
Will be closed on 10/05/2014

Hey crunch. As you can see you can check my age on my Member-card. As beer said, I have not been on this site for 3 months but I have been active, I have contributed a lot of stuff, I help people. About myself, I do a lot of computer work, This is with coding. I do PHP c#, c++, OpenGL(Ps3 Programming language). I do Css, Sometimes I will do a bit of web development. I kinda enjoy it. I am a straight forward person, I will say it as it is. Currently, I do ps3 Homebrew/Firmware development. There is a lot to know about me. My name is Josh. I am always trying my best to help, But will not help those who shall not listen. I've been doing computer work for a couple of years now. My dad taught me at a very young age and I really got interested in it, He taught me most things. If there is anything you need to know, Just Ask.

So yes I am quite knowledgeable when it comes to PS3 and computers.

I live in The UK.
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Hey crunch, So i am active all day everyday,i post alot og helpful posts and tutorials, i help alot of people, i have many jailbroken PS3`S, i`m 16 years old i`m from Norway, i post console id`s, i always follow the rules, i`m nice to people, i`m really trusted, i have respect for the other members and moderators, if someone asks me a question i always answers it,if something ever happens to this site i will always try to help :), i know alot of things that has with PS3, and modding to do i know all the rules to this site, and i would like to contribute to this site alot. :)

I will always try to help this site <3

I hope you read this, and i really think i would`ve been a helpful and good moderator :)

and i have a good grammar and i speak really good english ;)
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Name-Seb Age-24 Country-USA

Hello my name is seb i hope you chosse me to be a moderater heres some things that i will do dontate to the site regularly give all staff members free CONSOLE ID's . Make sure everyone is following the rules of this great site that has been established.
And, i`d like to add this: i`m from Norway, and no other moderators are, so that means that i could be active at a different time zone than others. So i could be on when other moderators aren`t :)

And i`m friendly to people, i never end up on a fight, and i respect everyones opinions :)

Goold luck to everyone else applying for moderator! :)

And i would always look after what people writes in the SB and on the forums, so there wouldn`t be anyone breaking the rules or talking bad about other members :)

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Hello members,

We're looking for a moderator that can do all duties such a participating in discussions and more.. and must write good English and grammar.

If you think about helping the community and know about alot about the PlayStation scene, then this could be for you. :)

Reply with your age, country and maybe a little paragraph about yourself.
  • Must NOT have any warning points.
  • You are at least 18 years of age
  • You have been active in the community for at least 3 months.
Will be closed on 10/05/2014
Age 22.2 years old, i have a ps3 4.50ita, iv made a couple of tools and i enjoy it here :) mwhahahaaaaa lol
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