Now I'm finally releasing the Mod Menu for Low Rider on PC (ONLY).
You can make it as a SPRX by copying the codes and change them easy.
We had to restart the menu so there's not so much on it.
The menu base is by BiG_GhoST_GamerS.
Why did I release Source?
I don't have so much freetime to code as my school have become more harder and need focus on it more and I find coding a bit boring now. You can ask questions about the menu and how to fix it, but I won't help you code it.
Please do not ask me to join your group/team or whatever. I own Low Rider and it would succeed if we didn't have so much school work to get done. Our website is http://lowriderdev.com (Will go down soon) so I hope you all like the project.
Low Rider
Low Rider 2015 - 2016
Modding is dead!