Need Help!!!!

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May 18, 2015
I am on Rebug 4.70.1 D-REX and everytime i start a game while signed online on my ps3 it takes me this screen

I updated to Rebug 4.75.3 D-REX and it goes back to the normal screen.
But again when i start a game signed online it takes me back to the update screen!

When i start the games offline they use to have the error code 80022D03 saying can not sync trophies and would quit the game back to the XMB. ISSUE RESOLVED

I can load games offline now since i have rebuilt the database via safe mode.
But the problem still consists can anyone please help me out?

Is it a setting that got changed or what?


Active Poster
Active Member
Feb 11, 2014
I am on Rebug 4.70.1 D-REX and everytime i start a game while signed online on my ps3 it takes me this screen

I updated to Rebug 4.75.3 D-REX and it goes back to the normal screen.
But again when i start a game signed online it takes me back to the update screen!

When i start the games offline they use to have the error code 80022D03 saying can not sync trophies and would quit the game back to the XMB. ISSUE RESOLVED

I can load games offline now since i have rebuilt the database via safe mode.
But the problem still consists can anyone please help me out?

Is it a setting that got changed or what?
Who Cares next time watch what your doing Noob thats what you get


Apr 26, 2015
Update your few. Also unplug your ps3 right when u press on a homebrew just unplug it...let it restore your ps3...should fix.


Active Poster
Active Member
Console ID Poster
Aug 30, 2015
I am on Rebug 4.70.1 D-REX and everytime i start a game while signed online on my ps3 it takes me this screen

I updated to Rebug 4.75.3 D-REX and it goes back to the normal screen.
But again when i start a game signed online it takes me back to the update screen!

When i start the games offline they use to have the error code 80022D03 saying can not sync trophies and would quit the game back to the XMB. ISSUE RESOLVED

I can load games offline now since i have rebuilt the database via safe mode.
But the problem still consists can anyone please help me out?

Is it a setting that got changed or what?
Kik Me DexModderFTW I will help you :)
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