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New PS3 Game - Fursan al-Aqsa - Knights of al-Aqsa Mosque

Do you Remember? Who misses that Golden Era? Multiplayer Madness is Back on Fursan al-Aqsa!

The mayhem is coming soon to PC, PS3, Xbox360...


Hello brother, not yet. However, I have great news for whoever is accompainning my game.

Instead of releasing just a free demo, I will release soon EPISODE ZERO, with a LOT of content, for both single player and multiplayer. I will release in a new model, just to test how things go.

I will release this first episode for Free Download, anyone can download and play for free, however, if people like the game, and want to support me, they can purchase it. Like, Pay if You Like it!

So i can purchase the full game its ready for download or what ?
No, this game will be released in episodes, as soon as I finish each episode. Each episode comes with many missions and game modes for both single player and multiplayer.

Very soon I will finish and release episode zero. Each episode will be sold alone, like DLC's which will be installed over episode 0.

Think on something like Steam Early Access, on which you pay in installments, for each update, instead of paying the full price of the game.

Each episode will be sold by a very small value, just to cover my development costs.

The final price of the game (all episodes together) will be something under U$ 20.00.

Each episode will be sold by something between $1.99 and $ 2.49.

Cheers and thanks for the interest on my game!
Hello guys! Just want to show off here something cool I created. A cool HeadShots Counter for the Special Ops Mode.

The basic tech behind it is very simple.

On the UnrealScript Class that control the enemy behaviour, I created a boolean variable called HeadShot. Then on the TakeDamage Event of the enemy UnrealScript Class I created a small function to detect which bone of the skeleton was hit by the weapon projectile (in case Head and Neck Bones).

So whenever the weapon projectile hits the Head or Neck Bones, the boolean variable HeadShot is set to true (it begins the code as false).

And then on Kismet there is a node which can read object properties (variables). So I simply added this node to read the variable HeadShot value, and if its true, I made increment in 1 another variable (kismet variable) which is the HeadShot Counter. So that means, each time the player shoots the head of the enemy. the HeadShot Counter will increment in one, so the player performs 3 headhsots on the enemy, the HeadShotCounter will be 3.

Next step is add another counter to count total number of enemies on map. It begins by counting all enemies an add them to an array, and then add an event (Enemy Death), and each time this even occurs, one enemy will be removed fromt the array (ObjectList). So whenever this array becomes empty, that means we killed all enemyes. And after killing all the enemies, then we go there and check for the value of HeadShotsCounter variable. If I want the player to perform at least 10 HeadShots, I need to check if this variable is >= (bigger or equal) than 10. If yes, then the mission is accomplished. If it is < (less) than 10, then mission failed.

It's that simple!



Fursan al-Aqsa Episode 0 Weapons

Sharpen your Knife, lock and load your Gun, prepare yourself for the Battle. Holy War begins in March 2020.

Select your path towards Victory or Martyrdom, because the Houris (Maidens of Paradise) are waiting you.

Video: http://tiny.cc/mrnbkz

Hello guys.

I know there are almost two weeks without any updates, but be sure I am working, and VERY HARD to finish and release the first episode untill the end of this month.

However, because I have published about my game on almost 100 sites, which I need to keep updated, I only publish whenever I have some significant updates.

But here on twitter (https://twitter.com/UdkUltimate) and also on IndieDB (https://www.indiedb.com/games/fursan-al-aqsa-knights-of-al-aqsa-mosque) I always post at least a new screenshot of some feature I am developing/improving.

From since my last update about the Weapons, I have done basically two things.

I created a new custom AI Class especially for knife kills game mode. Now you can approach the enemy from behind without being spotted, however, if you touch the enemy, or stay a long time behind him, he will realize it and shoot at you. This was done mixing Kismet (the Blueprints of UE3) with UnrealScript. I even created a custom field of view to the enemy using a trigger volume.





Also, I am remaking the Knife Kills System, with updated character animations and a brand new camera animation, on the best Mortal Kombat X style. It even has the X-Ray effect!


Cheers and until next update!
I was thinking on releasing those test maps (with blue/white checkboard) from since last week, for people test the game, however, I think that these don't reflect the final game quality and may even harm this project.

As I said before, I will ask a very small value (something like U$ 2.00) for each episode, because I am in strong need to earn some profit (my financial conditions are very bad at the moment). So it's for that reason that I prefeer release each episode on it's complete state, with fully textured maps, animations, mission objectives, and so on, for making this game worth the price. I know that even for a small price like this, people want a complete product, a fully working game, not just a "developer" bugged version of the game.

I hope you all understand the reason why I delayed a while the release of this game.

Thanks guys for all this support and interest on my game.
I downloaded your project back in the day before you took it off. Nice work and I can’t wait to try your game! Mind contacting me through discord? Would love to aid in your project!! I am also curious on your progress.

thanks- Swiz
I downloaded your project back in the day before you took it off. Nice work and I can’t wait to try your game! Mind contacting me through discord? Would love to aid in your project!! I am also curious on your progress.

thanks- Swiz
Hello mate!

Thanks for the kind words and compliments my friend!

I am happy your are wanting to play my game. I was kinda skeptical whenever I began this project, however, I never imagined so many non muslims and non arabs would like my game.

About my first project, UDK Ultimate Engine, as you all know, EPIC Games asked me to stop distribuing my modified version of UDK Engine (Unreal Engine 3) because it breaks their EULA, anyway, they allowed me to keep using it to my own projects (a very nice and kind decision from their part), so it is more than just that I did what they asked me, because I practically received from them an Unreal Engine 3 Full License for free (it used to cost ~250K for studios)!

About discord, yeah I plan to create a discord account very soon (because I already have too much stuff to keep organized and updated), so we can talk then on discord.

Thanks also for offering to aid me on this game.

The support I basically need at the moment, is with promotion, for gaining visibility, and praise be to Allah (God), this project is getting even more visibility than UDK Ultimate, just do a google search:

fursan al aqsa game
palestine resistance game

You will see I basically published about it everywhere (every gaming forum, every game dev community), however, many of them banned me (because of the political and religious content of my game), anyway, I have now almost 100 forums on which I regularly post updates of my game.

The other support I will need is that people actually buy my game :D :D :D :D

I don't like the idea of kickstarter (funding) neither sell the game in early access for basically 2 reasons:

1- I don't feel comfortable getting people's money in advance;

2- I don't like to work under pressure, I like to have freedom of creativity, I hate having to abide by deadlines, I like to invent, to be creative whenever developing my games, I don't want barriers, and I don't like people saying something like: "Oh, I payed you the full game but you did not finish it yet", "When you are going to finish this game, as I payed the full price".

It's because this I am going to release the game into episodes, each episodes with many maps, weapons, mission objectives, skins, vehicles, and so on.

I plan to release Episode 1 untill the end of March now, but I may delay somedays, because I am thinking on adding a basic Modding Support to allow people to create (import) custom skins for the game's hero. Imagine Solid Snake and Doom Slayer joining the Palestinian Resistance!!! This will be EPIC and FUCKING BAD ASS!

So Episode 2 may come one month later, two months later, three months, it does not matter. People won't be cheated by me because they will buy each episode as a standalone game, and will pay each episode its own price (U$ 2.00).

Cheers and best regards!
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