It's been too long since I released Lush Modz V3 Modloader, I been working on V4 for 3 days straight and making sure no bugs occurred. Thank you to the people that helped me over time achieve where I am today. This Modloader has almost every public script ever made over the years and has everything you want.
Credits to
- NotYourDope's for original Modloader base.
- Louay for Modloader base design.
- JakeModz89 for video tutorials and help over the years.
- Omar ghosts for more C++ tutorials over the years.
L3 & R3 to Open Loader!
Download Lush Modz V4.0 ModLoader Here:

Credits to
- NotYourDope's for original Modloader base.
- Louay for Modloader base design.
- JakeModz89 for video tutorials and help over the years.
- Omar ghosts for more C++ tutorials over the years.
L3 & R3 to Open Loader!
Download Lush Modz V4.0 ModLoader Here:

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