No premium, no posting Console ID's.

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Guess who's back, back again
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Console ID Poster
Apr 11, 2014
Since non premium members are always posting banned or invalid console id's without even checking them first to see if they are working, I came up with an suggestion to not allow members to post console id's if they don't have premium. This will save a lot of staff time from deleting their threads, members getting excited for working console id's when they're actually banned or invalid or even making members mad.

Let me know your thoughts of this suggested rule down below.

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Guess who's back, back again
Retired Staff
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Console ID Poster
Apr 11, 2014
How does paying for a membership guarantee posting valid ID? :stare:
Because all members that don't have premium always post banned or invalid console id's. Check the console id section for yourself.


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Sep 27, 2013
Since non premium members are always posting banned or invalid console id's without even checking them first to see if they are working, I came up with an suggestion to not allow members to post console id's if they don't have premium. This will save a lot of staff time from deleting their threads, members getting excited for working console id's when they're actually banned or invalid or even making members mad.

Let me know your thoughts of this suggested rule down below.

Rejected, we got enough staff to handle those invalid or banned ID's.


Business Approved
Active Member
Feb 6, 2014
Nice, but also normal members posting working console ids so then we have a problem if they cant post the cids or cant get premium :thinkingmeme:
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