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PS3/BO2 Console Unban from B02 Servers aka Multiplayer on Dex + TuT

good job man I would try this but im just done with bo2 the only time I play it is when im offline and on a spoofed id }; it just is so good at banning people Lol
Hello guys. Here's my full totu on how to unban your whole console from the bo2 servers from 3.55 dex -- 4.21 dex + all rebug ver

Download link (mac adress spoof) > 3.55 dex -- 4.21 dex (Rebug & ps3ita too as well) : http://www.mediafire.com/download/a8rm9y5t44oe586/UpH sIcKnEs Unban.pkg

Download link (ps3ita manager V1.51) : http://www.mediafire.com/download/9xmjxyt56tf5kv0/PS3ITA_Manager_v1.51.pkg.lnk

Download link (psid pacther -- rebug & ps3ita) : http://www.mediafire.com/download/w...W REBUG 4.21.2 REX Edition ( DEX activé ).pkg


- 1. Go in the tool were u can spoof your mac adress and press "CROSS" (the system will boot)

- 2. Go into the ps3ita manager V1.51 and change your console id

- 3. Go into the psid patcher and spoof the psid by pressing "CROSS"

NOTE : U need to do this each time u turn of the ps3 ^^

- Enjoy :p

- Founded by DanishModdingTeam

- Last team "DanishModdingTeam" {DM|T} -- Stefan

- Current team "UpdatedPs3Hacks" {UpH™} -- sIcKnEs

Now how to unban the shit on ps3ita 4.50 or any kind of cfw wich is on 4.50 :)

Download link (mac spoofer/psid spoofer 4.50) : http://www.mediafire.com/download/c9md8f667pf49k7/UpH sIcKnEs's spoofer.pkg

- Enjoy :)
Will this remove the PERMANENT BAN?
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