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PS3MFW Builder 1.0.0 (Our MFW 1.0.0) Build 2.0.0 is Released


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Following up on the previous updates, PlayStation 3 developers RedDot-3ND7355 and B7U3 C50SS have now released PS3MFW (PS3 Modified Firmware) Builder 1.0.0 Build 2.0.0 dubbed Our MFW 1.0.0 with the changes outlined below.

Download: PS3MFW Builder 1.0.0 (Our MFW 1.0.0) Build 2.0.0 (Full) / PS3MFW Builder 1.0.0 (Our MFW 1.0.0) Build 2.0.0 (Update) / GIT

To quote: Hey Everyone! Its me RedDot and im back with my team again to release you this new build of PS3MFW Builder 1.0.0!

We managed to find all the bugs about the repack/unpack/keys/tasks! Just follow them as respected and everything WILL be fine.

This is TRULY stable, and if you patch the right features you will NOT get brick/or whatsoever... I also recommend you have a minimum requirement of knowledge on modding http://www.***********/forums/images/smilies/icon16.png

I hope the video helped A LOT. Credits to all the dev's that made this project possible and finished supposedly. But of course we will maybe continue to add features if new updates are released! So keep an eye on that updater.


Original dev's

Newer Version dev's
->Anonymous Developers
->B7U3 C50SS

All people that helped A LOT!
->RazorX (For sum tasks & updater)
->Haz367 (For pin-pointing problems & many tasks)
->Habib (For allowing us to use his patterns for tasks)
->Naewhert (For his tools)
->toolboy2012 (For sharing his awesome work with us)
->Arachetous (For a special task)
->And all other people that i may had forgotten :P

List of all features for 4.xx

Patch to allow running of unsigned app's
Patch to add ReactPSN online/offline
Patch to allow Debug pkg installation
Patch SysValue's (PS2 Related)
Patch to fix removing act.dat on boot!
Patch for ingame screenshots!
Patch RSOD Bypass!

Patch lv0 ldr's
Patch lv0 CoreOS ECDSA Check&Descrambling of LV1LDR!
Patch lv0 using Rebug/ITA DEX!
Patch lv0 for Cobra Features!
Patch lv1 for many features!
Patch lv1 Mmap out!

Patch lv2 for peek&poke
Patch lv2 for POC! (only 4.50)
Patch lv2 for hermes payload!
Patch lv2 for syscalls!
Patch lv2 for QA Flag!
And many more!

Patch nas_plugin for debug pkg's&installation of retail pkg's
Patch the core_os spu's&spp
Patch default.spp for otheros! (must include otheros of lv1!)
Patch XMB for IPF&APPHOME! (includes xmb plugin mods)
Patch PUP for Cobra files! OMG
And there is a lot more options in the builder http://www.***********/forums/images/smilies/icon10.png

Finally, from haz367 comes PS3MFW Builder Incl Cobracrapper 446/453 Task set for 446 Cobra MFW.

Download: Our_MFW_1.0.0.rar

PS: updated oldfart-lv0 task to incl Rebug-ITA/DEX style... and Cobra compatible lv0 patching: pastie.org/8580065

Read more: http://www.***********/ps3-cfw-mfw/ps3mfw-builder-1-0-0-our-mfw-1-0-0-build-2-0-0-
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