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[PSN] Sonys'Nightmare Psid°CID°MAC Spoof PKG

this is a facke! The id in the pkg file was random like 1234... the code was save in the game dir NPEA90124 who normaly the sen enabler is. what make this code exactly?
jeah is correct, i install it coz i want the Working ID PSID and MAC who you write it is in the PKG file. i installit and go to the Directory where you save these ans show a facke ID , PSID and MAC. I have sen enabler and ps unbann, but why you dont write exactly what this PKG does. its is for Nothing. a user who dont know how it works wit Sen enabler, cant use dis nonsens file. because he dont know exacly the path where the 3 files are stored. and if he knows. egal. your programm spoof nothing when you install it. i try to find out what the file make.

To all who think in the PKG is any VALID ID , its a fake. Dont install this. Because you cant deinstall it. its absolutly lame.

Im on Rogero 4.55.0b spoofed to 4.60 CEX.
jeah is correct, i install it coz i want the Working ID PSID and MAC who you write it is in the PKG file. i installit and go to the Directory where you save these ans show a facke ID , PSID and MAC. I have sen enabler and ps unbann, but why you dont write exactly what this PKG does. its is for Nothing. a user who dont know how it works wit Sen enabler, cant use dis nonsens file. because he dont know exacly the path where the 3 files are stored. and if he knows. egal. your programm spoof nothing when you install it. i try to find out what the file make.

To all who think in the PKG is any VALID ID , its a fake. Dont install this. Because you cant deinstall it. its absolutly lame.

Im on Rogero 4.55.0b spoofed to 4.60 CEX.
Ur lame
U better star showing me some fucking respect
bro gracias por el post pero aun asi no logro comprenderlo tengo entendido que para desbanearme de bo2 o otros juegos q banean la mac necesito cambiar esa mac con sen enabler pero no logro acerlo por que cuando pongo cambiar mac me da error por que no encuentra el archivo.mac entonces como extraigo la mac original para modificarla y parcharla con el sen enabler?
bro gracias por el post pero aun asi no logro comprenderlo tengo entendido que para desbanearme de bo2 o otros juegos q banean la mac necesito cambiar esa mac con sen enabler pero no logro acerlo por que cuando pongo cambiar mac me da error por que no encuentra el archivo.mac entonces como extraigo la mac original para modificarla y parcharla con el sen enabler?
Oye amigo tienes el bo2
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