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ReActPSN 3.01 Released


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Today, developer ccregame has updated the offline PSN license generator called ReActPSN with the following changes below:

Changelog (3.01):
  • Added BDselector from XMB, 2 seconds changes PS3 game.
  • Increased to select the next disc backup game XMB functionality, two seconds to change the game. Runs reActPSN or BDloader,
  • Third disc icon at Replace the game, first with the first disc icon to start the game, if wrong then the original disc icon to start the game.
Download: ReactPSN 3.01 (Firmware's 3.41 - 4.50)
Source: psx-scene
Trying to stay up to date with the scene news ;)
What would THIs DO mate
NVM^ Thx Bro It work For me :)
Today, developer ccregame has updated the offline PSN license generator called ReActPSN with the following changes below:

Changelog (3.01):
  • Added BDselector from XMB, 2 seconds changes PS3 game.
  • Increased to select the next disc backup game XMB functionality, two seconds to change the game. Runs reActPSN or BDloader,
  • Third disc icon at Replace the game, first with the first disc icon to start the game, if wrong then the original disc icon to start the game.
Download: ReactPSN 3.01 (Firmware's 3.41 - 4.50)
Source: psx-scene
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