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Staff Position Open

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Hello ConsoleCrunch members,

We are going to open the staff position to help with the workload and reading of new posts to the forum.

  • Reading new posts
  • Remove posts that do not follow rules
  • Try help members (Like you normally do)
  • Must have been a member for over a 6 months and know how the site works
  • Must at least know average English & writing
  • You are at least 18 years of age
Reply below with your Name, Age and why you think you would be great for this position.

Applicants maybe asked further questions.

Edit: and which country
Edit2: Reduced to 6 months
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Tom Sawyer is the name. I am 23 years old and i am from germany. I'm NOT a year in ConsoleCrunch but it's almost there. I personally say, that promoting me to staff is a good choice. Reasons are, administrative experiences and responsible with any action I take, managing multiple facebook groups with 1000+ members, keeping the Spammers and Scammers and the fake postings out of it and I am always helpfull and I surely helped alot of members around here and at facebook. I know the tasks as an administrative Member and there's enough that still needs to be done. Warning members that still try to sell without meeting requirements, moving or deleting posts when they're in the wrong section or like " pls new cids plss"-kinda posts... I know for sure, that me as staff, will definitly work out, with the staff, the members, the community itself. You will be NOT dissapointed. The staff will not be disapointed! Calyx for Moderator? I don't see any complications with that. Let me know how you and the staff feel about this.
I am already staff, but if this is for moderator then i want to apply.

My name is Daniel and i`m 17 years old from Norway. I am currently working as a programmer. I have been a member on this site for a long time now. I know a lot about PS3/PC stuff and programming so i would be able to help out a lot of people.
I have also been staff for quite a while now, so i know most of how i should act with it. I do not abuse any powers.
I never break the rules on here, and i am friendly. I post a lot of console ID`s and tutorials, and i always help someone if they ask me a question.

I would always remove posts that would not be allowed on this site, and i often read new posts.

Hope you considder me for this, and good luck to everyone ! :)

Edit : And i am very active on this site.
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Hello, My name is Joshua and I am currently located in Liverpool, United Kingdom to be precise. I am only 16 years of age, Since you have to be 18 to be able to become a Moderator I would like to apply because I know a few moderators who are under-age also. The things you have listed to as a Moderator:

  • Reading new posts
  • Remove posts that do not follow rules
  • Try help members (Like you normally do)
  • Write good English
I can simply do these. I have been using Xenforo for quite some time know, I know my way around it, For proof of this, You can ask @Shiro Inu✿ as we have ran our own Xenforo forum board before. Why would I want to be a Moderator? Will I be good at it? Indeed I would, As I said I have worked with Xenforo for some times now, Lately I have been inactive but that has been due to inactivity on the site and it's members, But if I would get this Job I would totally turn the site around by doing more than crunch has explained, I would basically clean out the forums of any unwanted Threads, Move threads into the right section and of course make members feel welcome. I would make the member feel like this is a "warm" place as much as a "fun place". I've wanted to become a Moderator of this site for quite some time now and I think I do deserve at least one chance, I have worked hard on this site since I first stepped foot, producing guides to help members using Xenforo, Providing as much info on a certain topic because I want to help members as much as I can. Of course I do have a personal life and go to college. We will get to that in a minute.

About myself, I would like to share some stuff about myself which would make my application even more detailed and better. I am currently studying social media in college doing a level 2 NVQ until June next years and I am looking to gain a Degree out of it in the near future. This includes creating websites helping with any bugs and errors, So adding this I can help @Crunch in certain areas if he ever gets suck. Stating that, I have helped improve the site, By re-designing the site with crunch. You may have noticed the new members cards, This was done a while back, The glow around members block when they create a thread or even a post. Also, creating the New icon on the forums page to ensure users know when something new is posted. I mean I can do a lot more, I feel I have earned the position.

ok i know i have to be 18 and that i need to have been here for a year but if it's ok i'll still try and hope to be really lucky.

My name is Marcus, i am 17, i work as a carpenter, i am from norway and lived here since was born. i'd like to be staff so i can start helping out by removing bad posts or posts that are breaking the rules or posted in the wrong section and also edit threads with miss spelled words if there is an opportunity for that.

i've been on here pretty much everyday since i've signed up, i use a lot of my time on playing video games and being on the computer which gives me good time to keep staying as active as i have been all the time here on the site.

i've been here on ConsoleCrunch long enough to understand how things works. i think that i speak pretty good english or maybe write pretty good english.
and i am a person that's smart enough to understand things pretty fast.

i use to help people out when people ask for help or need it, i know a lot about how things works with custom firmware, in fact i've been through the most rare stuff with my cfw ps3 which almost nobody has ever heard about atleast no one here, it's actually pretty amazing the ps3 has not yet been bricked.

but anyways i got good time to keep staying active on the site and im not going anywhere and i know a little bit about how it is being staff since i am super moderator on shiro inu's own site.

and i already know some of the staff's here pretty good even though i just found out zRTM's real name :p but i think i would do a great job being a staff and specially by thinking of the time i've got and i would also like to use that time to fix and edit threads and maybe removing them if they're breaking the rules.

and i am not that kind of person that likes to miss use the advantage of being a staff, i never want anyone anything bad and i also don't see no reason for that, hope you don't think that.

peace out :)
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Hello I'm Tyler, from Vermont, USA. I just turned 19 Thursday and I would Love to become part of the console crunch team. Ive moderated and maintained forums before and love helping out and containing problems. Although I havn't been here for a year, I feel I can provide valuable help to the Console Crunch community.
When do we get further details or get a notice, how the status of this is?
When do we get further details or get a notice, how the status of this is?
@Crunch will post a thread in the section : Site Announcments where the moderator name will be.
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