Star Wars The Force Awakens !!!

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Feb 11, 2014
One of the most famous and honored writers of all time George Lucas has teamed up with Disney (The Creators of Bambi)to create the new star wars saga. We have seen the trailers some people cried, some died, some were mad, and most were happy, and only a few got horny:reaction:. But all that doesnt matter what matters is what we will get to see this upcoming November ... George Lucas and Disney were interviewed by a lot of fans of the older saga. There were asked a series of questions as well as information and hints about the newest release. George Lucas said something powerful that day something more powerful then busting a nut for the first time that shocked the faces of millions of fans. He was asked what came in the mind of making star wars and how the **** did you get the idea ? he simply answered the question with... I was born in a small town and raised in a house with 5 brothers and sisters my dad was well my step dad was big black and tall he would use too choke us with the force while whooping our asses with his light saber but i deserved that shit because i was a hood mother ****** stealing candy and shit from that fkin arab down at the gas station . But fk him the only reason i got caught was because my sister snitched we didnt have a lot to eat bcuz his black hammer headed azz would eat it all my momma damn near made tht ngga chicken every day all we got was two frosted lucky charms and a glass of milk three times a day while his ass was getting chicken , chicken tenders, chicken noodle soup,sweet chicken, sour chicken,sweet and sour chicken,popcorn chicken,chicken nuggets, chicken bites, chicken fries, shit anything that had chicken in it his azz had. i never tasted chicken in my life so one day i see him eating some fried chicken it was smelling good so i decided to walk up to him and ask him for a bite. I should of known not to mess with a black man while they eating chicken dem mutha fkas act like dogs when u trying to pet them while they eating all growling and cht but that didnt stop me i wasnt afraid no more so i walked my white ass up to his 6 '7 tall azz and poked him on the belly bcuz i was 5'4 at the time and i couldnt reach anything else but anyways i walk up to his ass and said Heyyy!!!! you black mutha fucka (in a samuel jackson type voice) I see u eating that watery, juicy chicken all the damn time while im over here eating these stale ass lucky charms and a glass of milk. Im putting my foot down today i want some fkin chicken im tired of you eating all the good stuff i want some golden crispy goodness too!!! At that moment i knew i fked up.. He smacked my ass so hard when i woke up is was making my own movie and thats how i did it all you gotta do is get smacked by a black man and im telling you your wishes will come true... We_Thy_Unknown
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