Stealth Server Offline Files***Lasting+Working MSP Spoof+Customization****

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Active Member
Jan 20, 2019

I am sharing these today. These files dont connect to any server you can just use them locally. If you dont know what offline files are they're basically a stealth server client without any serverside(listener). To use simple copy silent.xex, silent cache folder, Launch.ini, xbmx.xex over to /hdd. If you want to use your own Xml(Full Manifest) set up some kind of apache or webserver. You'll need to put your IP into CustomXML.ini. Then you'll need to upload the assets folder into your webserver's main folder. For example, Xampp's folder is called htdocs. You will also need to copy Xml URL into silent php file. For example, for dashhome.xml, copy into silent.php1(ive got each one labeled). You can also set colors in RGB.ini, use some kind of online RGB tool. I use this one

If you change any of the greeting messages found in Customxml.ini you'll need to keep the character length exactly the same. So Welcometo has to be set to 19 characters in length. Greeting needs to be set to 20 characters in length. Open is 10 & close is 11. Please note that if the length doesnt match what I advise then you'll get errors. If you dont know what your doing just leave em alone.

Also, if you want to use your own Notify.xex just switch out the one found in silent cache folder. It will be loaded on boot up.


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Last edited:


Jun 26, 2014
I just downloaded i am testing i hope this last :heart: i have to change the colors or disable the hud...
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