To members who have bought Console ID's

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Active Poster
Active Member
Aug 11, 2016


Hey guys,

To help prevent dealers selling the same Console ID, I have made this thread for you to post the last digits of your Console ID below to see if other customers have the same one.​

  1. Provide the last 4-6 digits of the CID (if its still working) or Provide the entire thing if its banned so it can be matched to anyone else if its been sold more than once.
    Provide when the CID was purchased and how much you paid for it
    Provide a Picture of the person giving you the CID and anything else that may help with the purchase protection. (Edit the photo and black the CID out if its still working but leave that last 4-6 digits visible)
    Provide how long the Console ID worked - or weather its still working​
Seller: Example
ID: ****************************00A0

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