Hey what's up guys, Real here today and i'm going to be releasing 1,000 Trophy Folders with step by step instructions.
There isn't many psn games or 100% games in this set but if you guys would like some or a specific just Comment me on here and ill get back to you. I really hope this helps a lot of you guys with your trophies and what not. I put a lot of work into this by making sure the folders weren't corrupted and the upload part was horrible, but if you do like this i will do more of these in the future! Enjoy.
Oh and if by any chance a folders does get corrupted i will replace it for you.
There isn't many psn games or 100% games in this set but if you guys would like some or a specific just Comment me on here and ill get back to you. I really hope this helps a lot of you guys with your trophies and what not. I put a lot of work into this by making sure the folders weren't corrupted and the upload part was horrible, but if you do like this i will do more of these in the future! Enjoy.

Oh and if by any chance a folders does get corrupted i will replace it for you.

1. Download the program to resign trophies BruteforceSaveData4.7
2.Next is to get a game save from the account you are wanting to sync some trophies to. You can do this by just starting up a game and waiting a few minutes and it should create a save on your ps3.
3. Next step, is to go to whatever you use for ftp on your ps3 ex. multiMAN.
4. Next go to Filezilla to get the param.sfo you just made on your ps3. dev_hdd0/home/000000XX/savedata/BLXXXXXXX/param.sfo
This can also be done by copying the save to your usb from your ps3 and then put the save on your desktop.
4. Once you have the param.sfo, start Bruteforce and click on 'profile' (Screenshot by Lightshot) and choose your param.sfo that you just got from your ps3 and name it your profile so you know that this is your param.sfo for future reference.
5. Now click on the button '...' that's in top right corner that looks like this (Screenshot by Lightshot)
6. It will bring open a new tab to where you need to select a folder that has all of your trophy folders in it or however many you are going to sync. It will load the folders either fast or slow depending on how many folders you are loading into Bruteforce.
7. Now there are many different ways we resign the trophy folders but i find the method i'm going to show you will make the process a lot quicker for you.
but now the trophy folders are loaded and you should click on it where it turns blue like this (Screenshot by Lightshot)
8. Now whenever you have your folder(s) outlined in blue click this button (Screenshot by Lightshot) and then click this one (http://prntscr.com/6wo73y) it will then ask you to click yes just press yes until it quits asking and it will then start the resigning process.
8. Once you have resigned all of your trophy folders close Bruteforce and go back to Filezilla and go to dev_hdd0/home/000000XX/trophy/ and drag all of the folders you resigned in that directory and wait for all of the files to be transferred.
9. When that's done you would normally have to go through the process of putting your ps3 into the Recovery Menu and then have to Rebuild Database. Well today i'm releasing a file that automatically reboots your ps3 into Rebuild Database mode. Here it is: http://www.mediafire.com/download/rl...jgdmz0j/db.err
10. The next step is to put that file in the right directory so place it in here dev_hdd0/mms/.
11. Once you have placed that file in the right directory turn off your ps3 from multiMAN or whatever ftp you use.
12. Turn on your ps3 and should reboot just fine and then it will ask you to rebuild your database just hit ok and let it rebuild.
13. When the rebuild database is over your ps3 will reboot and then normal people would just sign in and sync trophies but i highly recommend you disbale CFW before signing in just to make the syncing a bit more safer.
Here is a link to the latest PSNPatch which can disbale custom firmware by holding the Triangle button on the controller while in the hombrew app.
14. Ok after you disable CFW or not just go ahead sign in online and click on your profile it will wait a short moment and then give you an error 80022D55. If you get any other error other than D55 there will be a list of error codes and fixes below.
2.Next is to get a game save from the account you are wanting to sync some trophies to. You can do this by just starting up a game and waiting a few minutes and it should create a save on your ps3.
3. Next step, is to go to whatever you use for ftp on your ps3 ex. multiMAN.
4. Next go to Filezilla to get the param.sfo you just made on your ps3. dev_hdd0/home/000000XX/savedata/BLXXXXXXX/param.sfo
This can also be done by copying the save to your usb from your ps3 and then put the save on your desktop.
4. Once you have the param.sfo, start Bruteforce and click on 'profile' (Screenshot by Lightshot) and choose your param.sfo that you just got from your ps3 and name it your profile so you know that this is your param.sfo for future reference.
5. Now click on the button '...' that's in top right corner that looks like this (Screenshot by Lightshot)
6. It will bring open a new tab to where you need to select a folder that has all of your trophy folders in it or however many you are going to sync. It will load the folders either fast or slow depending on how many folders you are loading into Bruteforce.
7. Now there are many different ways we resign the trophy folders but i find the method i'm going to show you will make the process a lot quicker for you.

8. Now whenever you have your folder(s) outlined in blue click this button (Screenshot by Lightshot) and then click this one (http://prntscr.com/6wo73y) it will then ask you to click yes just press yes until it quits asking and it will then start the resigning process.
8. Once you have resigned all of your trophy folders close Bruteforce and go back to Filezilla and go to dev_hdd0/home/000000XX/trophy/ and drag all of the folders you resigned in that directory and wait for all of the files to be transferred.
9. When that's done you would normally have to go through the process of putting your ps3 into the Recovery Menu and then have to Rebuild Database. Well today i'm releasing a file that automatically reboots your ps3 into Rebuild Database mode. Here it is: http://www.mediafire.com/download/rl...jgdmz0j/db.err
10. The next step is to put that file in the right directory so place it in here dev_hdd0/mms/.
11. Once you have placed that file in the right directory turn off your ps3 from multiMAN or whatever ftp you use.
12. Turn on your ps3 and should reboot just fine and then it will ask you to rebuild your database just hit ok and let it rebuild.
13. When the rebuild database is over your ps3 will reboot and then normal people would just sign in and sync trophies but i highly recommend you disbale CFW before signing in just to make the syncing a bit more safer.
Here is a link to the latest PSNPatch which can disbale custom firmware by holding the Triangle button on the controller while in the hombrew app.
14. Ok after you disable CFW or not just go ahead sign in online and click on your profile it will wait a short moment and then give you an error 80022D55. If you get any other error other than D55 there will be a list of error codes and fixes below.
80022D11: All the 80022D11 error is, is a syncing error meaning your account id wasn't resigned correctly and still has the older account id. I recommend just resigning it again.
80022D40: All this means if, you rebuilt your database with too many trophy files at once. Keep it to 100-150 folders at one rebuild. Doing a simple re-rebuild of the database should fix it. If not delete some folders and give it another go.
80022C25: Your folder is corrupt and needs to be replaced. If you want, just edit the TROPUSR.DAT manually and remove the account id and the sync status. (Most people just ask others for new folders).
80022D86: You deleted the game on filezilla but didn't go to your trophy collection offline and delete the game.
80022D55 But Trophies Don't Sync: Your profile ID probably begins with a "Letter" like for example: ch55714255 or c5781616489646. If it begins with a letter, your profile isn't compatible with this trophy method. You will need to load each game on the account offline, and extract the folders manually and mod them that way. I know from my own experience.
These are errors i have added
80022D88: This could mean something is wrong with the folder i recommend either re downloading the game and extracting the folder or if you are on windows 8 you might have a file named Thumbs.db in your trophy folder that needs to be deleted in order for it to sync. In order to delete it you must enable hidden files by typing in folder options in the start menu of windows 8 and do what i do
then check this cirlce to show hidden files
then just hit apply then ok
then you will have to look for Thumbs.db and manually delete it or make a .bat file that will delete it for you.
Tutorial on how to use PS3TrophyIsGood to change timestamps of the folder.
80022D40: All this means if, you rebuilt your database with too many trophy files at once. Keep it to 100-150 folders at one rebuild. Doing a simple re-rebuild of the database should fix it. If not delete some folders and give it another go.
80022C25: Your folder is corrupt and needs to be replaced. If you want, just edit the TROPUSR.DAT manually and remove the account id and the sync status. (Most people just ask others for new folders).
80022D86: You deleted the game on filezilla but didn't go to your trophy collection offline and delete the game.
80022D55 But Trophies Don't Sync: Your profile ID probably begins with a "Letter" like for example: ch55714255 or c5781616489646. If it begins with a letter, your profile isn't compatible with this trophy method. You will need to load each game on the account offline, and extract the folders manually and mod them that way. I know from my own experience.
These are errors i have added
80022D88: This could mean something is wrong with the folder i recommend either re downloading the game and extracting the folder or if you are on windows 8 you might have a file named Thumbs.db in your trophy folder that needs to be deleted in order for it to sync. In order to delete it you must enable hidden files by typing in folder options in the start menu of windows 8 and do what i do
then check this cirlce to show hidden files
then just hit apply then ok
then you will have to look for Thumbs.db and manually delete it or make a .bat file that will delete it for you.
Tutorial on how to use PS3TrophyIsGood to change timestamps of the folder.
Okay so this tutorial will help you change timestamps of a trophy folder or just unlock trophies for a new game.
This is how to change timestamps
First will want to open PS3TrophyIsGood And Open the folder you want to change the times for.
It should look like this (http://prntscr.com/6woywt)
In order to change the timestamps you will first have to clear the unsynchronized trophy. To do this you will have to click on the 'Advanced' tab and click it then your folder should look like this (http://prntscr.com/6wozic) Once your folder is blank you will now choose the option to 'Set random start time' which is located right under 'Clear unsynchronized trophy' tab and then choose a start time for the first trophy like this (http://prntscr.com/6wp06c) as you can see i changed the start time to Jan 21. Or you could just press random start time until you find a start time that suits you. When you find a good start time press confirm. Then you will press the 'Instant Platinum' option that is also under the 'Advanced' tab. It will then unlock the trophies from the start date to present day to make it look legit. This is how to properly use PS3TrophyIsGood
Link for my Trophy Folders
This is how to change timestamps
First will want to open PS3TrophyIsGood And Open the folder you want to change the times for.
It should look like this (http://prntscr.com/6woywt)
In order to change the timestamps you will first have to clear the unsynchronized trophy. To do this you will have to click on the 'Advanced' tab and click it then your folder should look like this (http://prntscr.com/6wozic) Once your folder is blank you will now choose the option to 'Set random start time' which is located right under 'Clear unsynchronized trophy' tab and then choose a start time for the first trophy like this (http://prntscr.com/6wp06c) as you can see i changed the start time to Jan 21. Or you could just press random start time until you find a start time that suits you. When you find a good start time press confirm. Then you will press the 'Instant Platinum' option that is also under the 'Advanced' tab. It will then unlock the trophies from the start date to present day to make it look legit. This is how to properly use PS3TrophyIsGood
Link for my Trophy Folders
New Games! I will update more soon!
New Games! I will update more soon!
Here are some of the folders i have released that the other threads didn't have, i will release more in the future if you guys would like
Here are some of the folders i have released that the other threads didn't have, i will release more in the future if you guys would like

NPWR00245_00 Demon's Souls [ASIA]
NPWR00273_00 BattleFantasia
NPWR00314_00 White Knight Chronicles (白騎士物語®-古の鼓動-トロフィーセット) [JPN]
NPWR00374_00 Prince of Persia
NPWR00380_00 MAG™ [EUR/USA]
NPWR00399_00 AQUANAUT'S HOLIDAY ™ - Hidden memories - (JP)
NPWR00400_00 Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice (魔界戦記ディスガイア3) [JPN]
NPWR00441_00 Tom Clancy's EndWar™
NPWR00442_00 Transformers™: Revenge of The Fallen™
NPWR00447_00 Sacred 2 - Fallen Angel [EUR/USA]
NPWR00449_00 Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
NPWR00450_00 Blitz: The League II
NPWR00461_00 Aliens vs Predator
NPWR00462_00 Uncharted 2: Among Thieves™
NPWR00464_00 Dead Space™
NPWR00468_00 F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin [EUR/USA]
NPWR00472_00 Ride to Hell: Retribution
NPWR00481_00 FUEL™
NPWR00485_00 Buzz!™: Brain of...
NPWR00514_00 Trivial Pursuit
NPWR00530_00 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince™
NPWR00537_00 The Lord of the Rings: Conquest™
NPWR00564_00 Supercar Challenge
NPWR00575_00 Shin Sangoku Musou 5 Empires (真・三國無双5 Empires)
NPWR00576_00 Major League Baseball 2K9
NPWR00611_00 EyePet™
NPWR00612_00 Borderlands™ [EUR/USA]
NPWR00619_00 SEGA MEGA DRIVE Ultimate Collection
NPWR00620_00 Nat Geo Quiz! Wild Life
NPWR00621_00 MiNi NiNJAS™
NPWR00623_00 Terminator Salvation
NPWR00628_00 Warriors Orochi Z (無双OROCHI Z)
NPWR00630_00 Skate 2 [EUR]
NPWR00631_00 Dragon Ball: Raging Blast
NPWR00633_00 Star Wars™ The Clone Wars™ Republic Heroes™
NPWR00635_00 Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2010
NPWR00640_00 Tiger Woods PGA TOUR® 10
NPWR00643_00 Pro Yakyuu Spirits 6 (プロ野球スピリッツ6)
NPWR00647_00 Rugby League Live
NPWR00660_00 inFamous
NPWR00667_00 Winning Post World
NPWR00672_00 Front Mission Evolved™
NPWR00675_00 MX vs ATV Reflex
NPWR00678_00 Superstars® V8 Racing [EUR]
NPWR00687_00 Leisure Suit Larry® Box Office Bust™
NPWR00691_00 Cross Edge [USA]
NPWR00697_00 Ice Age 3
NPWR00698_00 Dark Void
NPWR00700_00 The BIGS 2
NPWR00703_00 Wanted [EUR]
NPWR00708_00 Karaoke Revolution
NPWR00709_00 IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey
NPWR00717_00 Tears to Tiara Gaiden: Avalon no Nazo (ティアーズ・トゥ・ティアラ 外伝 アヴァロンの謎)
NPWR00721_00 G.I. JOE [USA]
NPWR00722_00 BioShock 2
NPWR00726_00 Alien Breed: Impact
NPWR00731_00 Death Track: Resurrection
NPWR00741_00 R.U.S.E.
NPWR00742_00 G.I. JOE [EUR]
NPWR00743_00 Winter Sports 2010
NPWR00745_00 Dante's Inferno™
NPWR00746_00 Toy Story 3
NPWR00753_00 428 ~封鎖された渋谷で~
NPWR00761_00 TORO ! Let's Party ! (トロともりもり) [JPN]
NPWR00768_00 Under Siege
NPWR00770_00 Band Hero
NPWR00776_00 NBA LIVE 10
NPWR00780_00 Earth Defense Force®: Insect Armageddon™
NPWR00785_00 Disney Sing It: Pop Hits
NPWR00804_00 50 Cent: Blood On The Sand™
NPWR00809_00 Dead To Rights: Retribution
NPWR00813_00 DanceDanceRevolution
NPWR00823_00 Operation Flashpoint®: Dragon Rising™
NPWR00827_00 Disgaea 3 [EUR]
NPWR00848_00 Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Future Soldier™
NPWR00856_00 LEGO Rock Band
NPWR00858_00 Wizardry Labyrinth of Lost Souls (JP)
NPWR00859_00 YAKUZA 4 (龍が如く4 伝説を継ぐもの) [JPN]
NPWR00860_00 Tornado Outbreak
NPWR00861_00 Pro Evolution Soccer 2010 (WORLD SOCCER Winning Eleven 2010) [JPN]
NPWR00862_00 Pro Evolution Soccer 2010 [USA]
NPWR00866_00 TORO ! Let's Party ! [ASIA]
NPWR00874_00 Bakugan Battle Brawlers™
NPWR00884_00 Way of the Samurai 3 PLUS (侍道3plus) [JPN]
NPWR00885_00 Way of the Samurai 3 [USA]
NPWR00894_00 Assassin's Creed II™
NPWR00900_00 Naughty Bear
NPWR00908_00 NCAA® Basketball 10
NPWR00913_00 Shrek Forever After
NPWR00918_00 Arthur and the Revenge of Maltazard
NPWR00926_00 Scene It?® Bright Lights! Big Screen!
NPWR00934_00 SBK®X Superbike World Championship [EUR]
NPWR00940_00 White Knight Chronicles™ [EUR/USA]
NPWR00982_00 NBA 2K10 [JPN]
NPWR00985_00 Rock Band 3
NPWR00987_00 Resonance of Fate (End of Eternity) [JPN]
NPWR00989_00 Major League Baseball 2K10 [EUR/USA]
NPWR00993_00 Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut (Red Seeds Profile) [JPN]
NPWR00996_00 Record of Agarest War
NPWR01005_00 Sacred 2 - Fallen Angel [JPN]
NPWR01006_00 Battlefield: Bad Company™ 2
NPWR01013_00 Start the Party!™
NPWR01021_00 Green Day: Rock Band
NPWR01023_00 Ar tonelico Qoga Knell of Ar Ciel (アルトネリコ3 ~世界終焉の引鉄は少女の詩が弾く~) [JPN]
NPWR01024_00 Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage (北斗無双) [JPN]
NPWR01031_00 Section 8
NPWR01039_00 Summer Challenge
NPWR01040_00 How to Train Your Dragon™
NPWR01056_00 JIKKYOU POWERFUL PRO BASEBALL 2010 (実況パワフルプロ野球2010)
NPWR01057_00 Buzz!™: The Ultimate Music Quiz
NPWR01062_00 Nobunaga no Yabou: Tendou (信長の野望・天道)
NPWR01068_00 "DYNASTY WARRIORS: Strikeforce"
NPWR01073_00 White Knight Chronicles™ Ⅱ (白騎士物語 -光と闇の覚醒-) [JPN]
NPWR01077_00 Professional BaseBall Spirits 2010 (プロ野球スピリッツ2010)
NPWR01084_00 Virtua Tennis 2009 (Power Smash ライブマッチ!) [JPN]
NPWR01099_00 MySims SkyHeroes™
NPWR01103_00 Resonance of Fate [EUR/USA]
NPWR01107_00 Guitar Hero®: Warriors of Rock
NPWR01110_00 nternational Cricket 2010
NPWR01111_00 Little League World Series Baseball 2010
NPWR01112_00 Prince of Persia The Forgotten Sands™
NPWR01115_00 Iron Man™ 2
NPWR01120_00 Two Worlds II
NPWR01132_00 NieR Replicant
NPWR01137_00 WORLD SOCCER Winning Eleven 2010 蒼き侍の挑戦
NPWR01148_00 TRINITY: Souls of Zill O'll [JPN]
NPWR01150_00 WHITE ALBUM-綴られる冬の想い出-
NPWR01152_00 Hakuoki: Stories of the Shinsengumi (薄桜鬼 巡想録) [JPN]
NPWR01174_00 Tiger Woods PGA TOUR® 11
NPWR01182_00 Ben 10 Ultimate Alien: Cosmic Destruction
NPWR01186_00 John Daly's ProStroke Golf
NPWR01193_00 Marvel Super Hero Squad: The Infinity Gauntlet
NPWR01202_00 BlazBlue Continuum Shift
NPWR01210_00 LittleBigPlanet™2
NPWR01219_00 Lucha Libre AAA: Heroes del Ring
NPWR01225_00 Pure Futbol [USA]
NPWR01229_00 You Don't Know Jack
NPWR01230_00 Disney Sing It: Family Hits [EUR]
NPWR01238_00 Cabela's® North American Adventures
NPWR01254_00 AC Brotherhood
NPWR01267_00 Yoostar2
NPWR01270_00 SBK®09 Superbike World Championship [USA]
NPWR01271_00 TIME CRISIS 4 Arcade Ver.
NPWR01272_00 Disney Sing It: Party Hits
NPWR01286_00 Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2 (JP)
NPWR01288_00 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows™ - Part 1
NPWR01292_00 F.E.A.R. 3
NPWR01299_00 Shin Sangoku Musuou 6 (真・三國無双6)
NPWR01304_00 Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. 2
NPWR01305_00 The Sims™ 3
NPWR01311_00 Major League Baseball 2K10 [JPN]
NPWR01314_00 Hyperdimension Neptune [JPN]
NPWR01317_00 Class of Heroes 2G (剣と魔法と学園モノ。2G) [JPN]
NPWR01322_00 Blood Drive
NPWR01323_00 Operation Flashpoint®: Red River™
NPWR01325_00 EA SPORTS Active 2
NPWR01342_00 Greg Hastings Paintball 2
NPWR01351_00 The X Factor
NPWR01358_00 Jane's Advanced Strike Fighters
NPWR01361_00 Section 8: Prejudice
NPWR01363_00 Shaun White Skateboarding
NPWR01380_00 WRC FIA World Rally Championship
NPWR01387_00 Nurarihyon no Mago (ぬらりひょんの孫)
NPWR01398_00 Zumba [USA]
NPWR01399_00 Ken to Mahou to Gakuen Mono 3 (剣と魔法と学園モノ。3)
NPWR01408_00 Knights Contract
NPWR01413_00 Alien Breed 2: Assault
NPWR01416_00 Winning Post 7 2010
NPWR01419_00 Bakugan™: Defenders of the Core
NPWR01420_00 National Geographic Challenge!
NPWR01423_00 AFL Live
NPWR01426_00 Inversion™
NPWR01436_00 Mafia II [JPN]
NPWR01445_00 Pro Yakyuu Spirits 2011 (プロ野球スピリッツ2011)n
NPWR01448_00 Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 (WORLD SOCCER Winning Eleven 2011) [JPN]
NPWR01450_00 Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 [USA]
NPWR01455_00 Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage [EUR/USA]
NPWR01460_00 Fallout: New Vegas
NPWR01462_00 Dead Space™ Extraction
NPWR01464_00 Arcana Heart 3
NPWR01469_00 Racket Sports [EUR]
NPWR01471_00 Thor™: God of Thunder
NPWR01477_00 Atelier Rorona The Alchemist of Arland [EUR/USA]
NPWR01488_00 Alien Breed 3: Descent
NPWR01500_00 DC Universe Online
NPWR01503_00 Shadow of the Colossus™
NPWR01506_00 Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
NPWR01513_00 PachiPara 16: Gingira Paradise 2 (パチパラ16 ~ギンギラパラダイス2~)
NPWR01526_00 Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
NPWR01528_00 Venetica
NPWR01535_00 NHL® 12
NPWR01550_00 Cabela's® Dangerous Hunts 2011
NPWR01551_00 Prince of Persia: The 2Thrones
NPWR01555_00 Wizardry 囚われし亡霊の街 Scenario1
NPWR01556_00 Captain America™: Super Soldier
NPWR01565_00 Dainiji Super Robot Taisen OG (第2次スーパーロボット大戦OG)
NPWR01570_00 PlayStation®Move Heroes [EUR/USA]
NPWR01585_00 SBK®X Superbike World Championship [USA]
NPWR01598_00 Umineko no Naku Koro ni: Majo to Suiri no Rinbukyoku (うみねこのなく頃に ~魔女と推理の輪舞曲~)
NPWR01601_00 Michael Jackson The Experience
NPWR01609_00 Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny [JPN]
NPWR01610_00 YAKUZA: Dead Souls (龍が如く OF THE END) [JPN]
NPWR01613_00 WSC Real 2011
NPWR01617_00 TV Superstars [JPN]
NPWR01618_00 TV Superstars [ASIA]
NPWR01626_00 Zumba [EUR]
NPWR01630_00 Sengoku Musou 3 Z (戦国無双3 Z)
NPWR01631_00 Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten (魔界戦記ディスガイア4) [JPN]
NPWR01650_00 Tiger Woods PGA TOUR® 12: The Masters®
NPWR01663_00 Hyperdimension Neptunia [EUR/USA]
NPWR01667_00 Man Vs Wild
NPWR01675_00 Racquet Sports [JPN]
NPWR01682_00 Dragon's Dogma
NPWR01684_00 TRANSFORMERS Dark of The Moon
NPWR01690_00 Motionsports™ Adrenaline
NPWR01692_00 Saints Row: The Third
NPWR01708_00 TRINITY: Souls of Zill O'll [EUR/USA]
NPWR01715_00 L@ve once -mermaid's tears-
NPWR01718_00 Major League Baseball 2K11 [USA]
NPWR01728_00 Madden NFL 12
NPWR01753_00 Putty Squad
NPWR01756_00 Skylanders Spyro's Adventure
NPWR01761_00 Worms Ultimate Mayhem
NPWR01764_00 The Penguins of Madagascar
NPWR01777_00 Pachi-slot Ki Slotter Chou Mania (スロッター超マニア アントニオ猪木が元気にするパチスロ機)
NPWR01779_00 Gachinko Heroes™ (JP)
NPWR01789_00 Crash Time 4 - The Syndicate
NPWR01804_00 DanceStar™ Party
NPWR01814_00 Mass Effect™ 3
NPWR01827_00 Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn (機動戦士ガンダムUC)
NPWR01834_00 SBK®2011 FIM Superbike World Championship
NPWR01840_00 Shadows of the Damned™ [EUR]
NPWR01862_00 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows™ - Part 2
NPWR01865_00 The Cursed Crusade - [USA]
NPWR01867_00 The Cursed Crusade - [KOR]
NPWR01888_00 Sacred 3
NPWR01894_00 Major League Baseball 2K11 [EUR]
NPWR01901_00 Atelier Meruru: The Apprentice of Arland (メルルのアトリエ ~アーランドの錬金術士3~) [JPN]
NPWR02029_00 The Adventures of Tintin [USA]
NPWR02036_00 Hunted: The Demon's Forge [JPN]
NPWR02037_00 Armored Core V [JPN]
NPWR02059_00 Call of Duty®: Black Ops II
NPWR02062_00 Disgaea 4 [EUR]
NPWR02088_00 Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme VS (機動戦士ガンダム エクストリームバーサス)
NPWR02122_00 Okabu
NPWR02133_00 The House of the Dead: OVERKILL™ Extended Cut
NPWR02138_00 Shin Sangoku Musuou 6 Moushouden (真・三國無双6 猛将伝)
NPWR02260_00 Medieval Moves [USA]
NPWR02322_00 Modern Warfare® 3
NPWR02367_00 Blades of Time
NPWR02564_00 Schlag den Raab – Das 2. Spiel
NPWR02572_00 Warriors Orochi 2 (無双OROCHI2)
NPWR02652_00 ONE PIECE: PIRATE WARRIORS (ワンピース 海賊無双) [JPN]
NPWR02660_00 Shin Sangoku Musou 6 Moushouden (真・三國無雙6 猛將傳) [ASIA]
NPWR02666_00 Suigetsu Vol.2 (水月 弐)
NPWR02712_00 YAKUZA: Dead Souls [EUR/USA]
NPWR02730_00 The Ultimate Battle of the Sexes: Quiz & Play!
NPWR02746_00 Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball 2011 Ketteiban (実況パワフルプロ野球2011決定版)
NPWR02777_00 Medieval Moves [EUR]
NPWR02846_00 Shin Toudai Shougi (新 東大将棋)
NPWR02865_00 Professional BaseBall Spirits 2012 (プロ野球スピリッツ2012)
NPWR02896_00 Umineko no Naku Koro ni: CHiru Shinjitsu to Gensou no Yasoukyoku (うみねこのなく頃に ~真実と幻想の夜想曲~)
NPWR02910_00 Everyone Sing
NPWR02915_00 Persona 4 ARENA
NPWR02933_00 Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball 2012 (実況パワフルプロ野球2012)
NPWR02935_00 MOE MOE Daisensou * Gendaiban++ (萌え萌え大戦争☆げんだいばーん++)
NPWR02947_00 Gal*Gun (ぎゃる☆がん)
NPWR03023_00 Shinken de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai! R (真剣で私に恋しなさい!R)
NPWR03050_00 Armored Core V [USA]
NPWR03067_00 Armored Core V [EUR]
NPWR03080_00 Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock
NPWR03096_00 Winning Post 7 2012
NPWR03098_00 Armored Core V [ASIA]
NPWR03104_00 The Price is Right Decades
NPWR03108_00 DiRT Showdown
NPWR03109_00 Major League Baseball 2K12 [EUR/USA]
NPWR03125_00 STEINS;GATE 比翼恋理のだーりん [JPN]
NPWR03137_00 Mugen Souls (圧倒的遊戯 ムゲンソウルズ) [JPN]
NPWR03218_00 LEGO® The Lord of the Rings™
NPWR03279_00 Major League Baseball 2K12 [JPN]
NPWR03418_00 YAKUZA 1 & 2 HD Edition (龍が如く)
NPWR03465_00 YAKUZA 5 (龍が如く5 夢、叶えし者)
NPWR03480_00 Ultra Dimension NeptuneV [JPN]
NPWR03493_00 Expedition Troopers (エクストルーパーズ)
NPWR03546_00 Assassin's Creed® III
NPWR03558_00 Hunter's Trophy 2 - Europa
NPWR03580_00 XCOM: Enemy Unknown
NPWR03606_00 Alien: Isolation
NPWR03613_00 Akatsuki no Goei: Trinity (暁の護衛 トリニティ)
NPWR03641_00 Pro Foosball [EUR]
NPWR03642_00 Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of 2
NPWR03652_00 Legasista [EUR/USA]
NPWR03664_00 Zombie Tycoon 2: Brainhov's Revenge [EUR/USA]
NPWR03670_00 Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning (J)
NPWR03686_00 Mugen Souls [EUR/USA]
NPWR03699_00 (真・三國無双6 Empires)
NPWR03726_00 Evangelion (激アツ!! パチゲー魂MAX ヱヴァンゲリヲン “7” × “生命の鼓動”)
NPWR03745_00 Dynasty Warriors 8 (真・三國無双7) [JPN]
NPWR03768_00 DanceStar™ Party Hits
NPWR03771_00 Angry Birds Trilogy
NPWR03808_00 Dead Space™ 3
NPWR03824_00 YAKUZA 2 (龍が如く2)
NPWR03845_00 The Bureau: XCOM Declassified
NPWR03848_00 Muv-Luv Alternative (マブラヴ オルタネイティヴ)
NPWR03936_00 South Park™: The Stick of Truth™
NPWR03948_00 Darksiders II [JPN]
NPWR03961_00 GRID 2
NPWR04036_00 Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball 2012 Ketteiban (実況パワフルプロ野球2012決定版)
NPWR04077_00 Scourge: Outbreak
NPWR00273_00 BattleFantasia
NPWR00314_00 White Knight Chronicles (白騎士物語®-古の鼓動-トロフィーセット) [JPN]
NPWR00374_00 Prince of Persia
NPWR00380_00 MAG™ [EUR/USA]
NPWR00399_00 AQUANAUT'S HOLIDAY ™ - Hidden memories - (JP)
NPWR00400_00 Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice (魔界戦記ディスガイア3) [JPN]
NPWR00441_00 Tom Clancy's EndWar™
NPWR00442_00 Transformers™: Revenge of The Fallen™
NPWR00447_00 Sacred 2 - Fallen Angel [EUR/USA]
NPWR00449_00 Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
NPWR00450_00 Blitz: The League II
NPWR00461_00 Aliens vs Predator
NPWR00462_00 Uncharted 2: Among Thieves™
NPWR00464_00 Dead Space™
NPWR00468_00 F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin [EUR/USA]
NPWR00472_00 Ride to Hell: Retribution
NPWR00481_00 FUEL™
NPWR00485_00 Buzz!™: Brain of...
NPWR00514_00 Trivial Pursuit
NPWR00530_00 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince™
NPWR00537_00 The Lord of the Rings: Conquest™
NPWR00564_00 Supercar Challenge
NPWR00575_00 Shin Sangoku Musou 5 Empires (真・三國無双5 Empires)
NPWR00576_00 Major League Baseball 2K9
NPWR00611_00 EyePet™
NPWR00612_00 Borderlands™ [EUR/USA]
NPWR00619_00 SEGA MEGA DRIVE Ultimate Collection
NPWR00620_00 Nat Geo Quiz! Wild Life
NPWR00621_00 MiNi NiNJAS™
NPWR00623_00 Terminator Salvation
NPWR00628_00 Warriors Orochi Z (無双OROCHI Z)
NPWR00630_00 Skate 2 [EUR]
NPWR00631_00 Dragon Ball: Raging Blast
NPWR00633_00 Star Wars™ The Clone Wars™ Republic Heroes™
NPWR00635_00 Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2010
NPWR00640_00 Tiger Woods PGA TOUR® 10
NPWR00643_00 Pro Yakyuu Spirits 6 (プロ野球スピリッツ6)
NPWR00647_00 Rugby League Live
NPWR00660_00 inFamous
NPWR00667_00 Winning Post World
NPWR00672_00 Front Mission Evolved™
NPWR00675_00 MX vs ATV Reflex
NPWR00678_00 Superstars® V8 Racing [EUR]
NPWR00687_00 Leisure Suit Larry® Box Office Bust™
NPWR00691_00 Cross Edge [USA]
NPWR00697_00 Ice Age 3
NPWR00698_00 Dark Void
NPWR00700_00 The BIGS 2
NPWR00703_00 Wanted [EUR]
NPWR00708_00 Karaoke Revolution
NPWR00709_00 IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey
NPWR00717_00 Tears to Tiara Gaiden: Avalon no Nazo (ティアーズ・トゥ・ティアラ 外伝 アヴァロンの謎)
NPWR00721_00 G.I. JOE [USA]
NPWR00722_00 BioShock 2
NPWR00726_00 Alien Breed: Impact
NPWR00731_00 Death Track: Resurrection
NPWR00741_00 R.U.S.E.
NPWR00742_00 G.I. JOE [EUR]
NPWR00743_00 Winter Sports 2010
NPWR00745_00 Dante's Inferno™
NPWR00746_00 Toy Story 3
NPWR00753_00 428 ~封鎖された渋谷で~
NPWR00761_00 TORO ! Let's Party ! (トロともりもり) [JPN]
NPWR00768_00 Under Siege
NPWR00770_00 Band Hero
NPWR00776_00 NBA LIVE 10
NPWR00780_00 Earth Defense Force®: Insect Armageddon™
NPWR00785_00 Disney Sing It: Pop Hits
NPWR00804_00 50 Cent: Blood On The Sand™
NPWR00809_00 Dead To Rights: Retribution
NPWR00813_00 DanceDanceRevolution
NPWR00823_00 Operation Flashpoint®: Dragon Rising™
NPWR00827_00 Disgaea 3 [EUR]
NPWR00848_00 Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Future Soldier™
NPWR00856_00 LEGO Rock Band
NPWR00858_00 Wizardry Labyrinth of Lost Souls (JP)
NPWR00859_00 YAKUZA 4 (龍が如く4 伝説を継ぐもの) [JPN]
NPWR00860_00 Tornado Outbreak
NPWR00861_00 Pro Evolution Soccer 2010 (WORLD SOCCER Winning Eleven 2010) [JPN]
NPWR00862_00 Pro Evolution Soccer 2010 [USA]
NPWR00866_00 TORO ! Let's Party ! [ASIA]
NPWR00874_00 Bakugan Battle Brawlers™
NPWR00884_00 Way of the Samurai 3 PLUS (侍道3plus) [JPN]
NPWR00885_00 Way of the Samurai 3 [USA]
NPWR00894_00 Assassin's Creed II™
NPWR00900_00 Naughty Bear
NPWR00908_00 NCAA® Basketball 10
NPWR00913_00 Shrek Forever After
NPWR00918_00 Arthur and the Revenge of Maltazard
NPWR00926_00 Scene It?® Bright Lights! Big Screen!
NPWR00934_00 SBK®X Superbike World Championship [EUR]
NPWR00940_00 White Knight Chronicles™ [EUR/USA]
NPWR00982_00 NBA 2K10 [JPN]
NPWR00985_00 Rock Band 3
NPWR00987_00 Resonance of Fate (End of Eternity) [JPN]
NPWR00989_00 Major League Baseball 2K10 [EUR/USA]
NPWR00993_00 Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut (Red Seeds Profile) [JPN]
NPWR00996_00 Record of Agarest War
NPWR01005_00 Sacred 2 - Fallen Angel [JPN]
NPWR01006_00 Battlefield: Bad Company™ 2
NPWR01013_00 Start the Party!™
NPWR01021_00 Green Day: Rock Band
NPWR01023_00 Ar tonelico Qoga Knell of Ar Ciel (アルトネリコ3 ~世界終焉の引鉄は少女の詩が弾く~) [JPN]
NPWR01024_00 Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage (北斗無双) [JPN]
NPWR01031_00 Section 8
NPWR01039_00 Summer Challenge
NPWR01040_00 How to Train Your Dragon™
NPWR01056_00 JIKKYOU POWERFUL PRO BASEBALL 2010 (実況パワフルプロ野球2010)
NPWR01057_00 Buzz!™: The Ultimate Music Quiz
NPWR01062_00 Nobunaga no Yabou: Tendou (信長の野望・天道)
NPWR01068_00 "DYNASTY WARRIORS: Strikeforce"
NPWR01073_00 White Knight Chronicles™ Ⅱ (白騎士物語 -光と闇の覚醒-) [JPN]
NPWR01077_00 Professional BaseBall Spirits 2010 (プロ野球スピリッツ2010)
NPWR01084_00 Virtua Tennis 2009 (Power Smash ライブマッチ!) [JPN]
NPWR01099_00 MySims SkyHeroes™
NPWR01103_00 Resonance of Fate [EUR/USA]
NPWR01107_00 Guitar Hero®: Warriors of Rock
NPWR01110_00 nternational Cricket 2010
NPWR01111_00 Little League World Series Baseball 2010
NPWR01112_00 Prince of Persia The Forgotten Sands™
NPWR01115_00 Iron Man™ 2
NPWR01120_00 Two Worlds II
NPWR01132_00 NieR Replicant
NPWR01137_00 WORLD SOCCER Winning Eleven 2010 蒼き侍の挑戦
NPWR01148_00 TRINITY: Souls of Zill O'll [JPN]
NPWR01150_00 WHITE ALBUM-綴られる冬の想い出-
NPWR01152_00 Hakuoki: Stories of the Shinsengumi (薄桜鬼 巡想録) [JPN]
NPWR01174_00 Tiger Woods PGA TOUR® 11
NPWR01182_00 Ben 10 Ultimate Alien: Cosmic Destruction
NPWR01186_00 John Daly's ProStroke Golf
NPWR01193_00 Marvel Super Hero Squad: The Infinity Gauntlet
NPWR01202_00 BlazBlue Continuum Shift
NPWR01210_00 LittleBigPlanet™2
NPWR01219_00 Lucha Libre AAA: Heroes del Ring
NPWR01225_00 Pure Futbol [USA]
NPWR01229_00 You Don't Know Jack
NPWR01230_00 Disney Sing It: Family Hits [EUR]
NPWR01238_00 Cabela's® North American Adventures
NPWR01254_00 AC Brotherhood
NPWR01267_00 Yoostar2
NPWR01270_00 SBK®09 Superbike World Championship [USA]
NPWR01271_00 TIME CRISIS 4 Arcade Ver.
NPWR01272_00 Disney Sing It: Party Hits
NPWR01286_00 Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2 (JP)
NPWR01288_00 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows™ - Part 1
NPWR01292_00 F.E.A.R. 3
NPWR01299_00 Shin Sangoku Musuou 6 (真・三國無双6)
NPWR01304_00 Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. 2
NPWR01305_00 The Sims™ 3
NPWR01311_00 Major League Baseball 2K10 [JPN]
NPWR01314_00 Hyperdimension Neptune [JPN]
NPWR01317_00 Class of Heroes 2G (剣と魔法と学園モノ。2G) [JPN]
NPWR01322_00 Blood Drive
NPWR01323_00 Operation Flashpoint®: Red River™
NPWR01325_00 EA SPORTS Active 2
NPWR01342_00 Greg Hastings Paintball 2
NPWR01351_00 The X Factor
NPWR01358_00 Jane's Advanced Strike Fighters
NPWR01361_00 Section 8: Prejudice
NPWR01363_00 Shaun White Skateboarding
NPWR01380_00 WRC FIA World Rally Championship
NPWR01387_00 Nurarihyon no Mago (ぬらりひょんの孫)
NPWR01398_00 Zumba [USA]
NPWR01399_00 Ken to Mahou to Gakuen Mono 3 (剣と魔法と学園モノ。3)
NPWR01408_00 Knights Contract
NPWR01413_00 Alien Breed 2: Assault
NPWR01416_00 Winning Post 7 2010
NPWR01419_00 Bakugan™: Defenders of the Core
NPWR01420_00 National Geographic Challenge!
NPWR01423_00 AFL Live
NPWR01426_00 Inversion™
NPWR01436_00 Mafia II [JPN]
NPWR01445_00 Pro Yakyuu Spirits 2011 (プロ野球スピリッツ2011)n
NPWR01448_00 Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 (WORLD SOCCER Winning Eleven 2011) [JPN]
NPWR01450_00 Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 [USA]
NPWR01455_00 Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage [EUR/USA]
NPWR01460_00 Fallout: New Vegas
NPWR01462_00 Dead Space™ Extraction
NPWR01464_00 Arcana Heart 3
NPWR01469_00 Racket Sports [EUR]
NPWR01471_00 Thor™: God of Thunder
NPWR01477_00 Atelier Rorona The Alchemist of Arland [EUR/USA]
NPWR01488_00 Alien Breed 3: Descent
NPWR01500_00 DC Universe Online
NPWR01503_00 Shadow of the Colossus™
NPWR01506_00 Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
NPWR01513_00 PachiPara 16: Gingira Paradise 2 (パチパラ16 ~ギンギラパラダイス2~)
NPWR01526_00 Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
NPWR01528_00 Venetica
NPWR01535_00 NHL® 12
NPWR01550_00 Cabela's® Dangerous Hunts 2011
NPWR01551_00 Prince of Persia: The 2Thrones
NPWR01555_00 Wizardry 囚われし亡霊の街 Scenario1
NPWR01556_00 Captain America™: Super Soldier
NPWR01565_00 Dainiji Super Robot Taisen OG (第2次スーパーロボット大戦OG)
NPWR01570_00 PlayStation®Move Heroes [EUR/USA]
NPWR01585_00 SBK®X Superbike World Championship [USA]
NPWR01598_00 Umineko no Naku Koro ni: Majo to Suiri no Rinbukyoku (うみねこのなく頃に ~魔女と推理の輪舞曲~)
NPWR01601_00 Michael Jackson The Experience
NPWR01609_00 Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny [JPN]
NPWR01610_00 YAKUZA: Dead Souls (龍が如く OF THE END) [JPN]
NPWR01613_00 WSC Real 2011
NPWR01617_00 TV Superstars [JPN]
NPWR01618_00 TV Superstars [ASIA]
NPWR01626_00 Zumba [EUR]
NPWR01630_00 Sengoku Musou 3 Z (戦国無双3 Z)
NPWR01631_00 Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten (魔界戦記ディスガイア4) [JPN]
NPWR01650_00 Tiger Woods PGA TOUR® 12: The Masters®
NPWR01663_00 Hyperdimension Neptunia [EUR/USA]
NPWR01667_00 Man Vs Wild
NPWR01675_00 Racquet Sports [JPN]
NPWR01682_00 Dragon's Dogma
NPWR01684_00 TRANSFORMERS Dark of The Moon
NPWR01690_00 Motionsports™ Adrenaline
NPWR01692_00 Saints Row: The Third
NPWR01708_00 TRINITY: Souls of Zill O'll [EUR/USA]
NPWR01715_00 L@ve once -mermaid's tears-
NPWR01718_00 Major League Baseball 2K11 [USA]
NPWR01728_00 Madden NFL 12
NPWR01753_00 Putty Squad
NPWR01756_00 Skylanders Spyro's Adventure
NPWR01761_00 Worms Ultimate Mayhem
NPWR01764_00 The Penguins of Madagascar
NPWR01777_00 Pachi-slot Ki Slotter Chou Mania (スロッター超マニア アントニオ猪木が元気にするパチスロ機)
NPWR01779_00 Gachinko Heroes™ (JP)
NPWR01789_00 Crash Time 4 - The Syndicate
NPWR01804_00 DanceStar™ Party
NPWR01814_00 Mass Effect™ 3
NPWR01827_00 Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn (機動戦士ガンダムUC)
NPWR01834_00 SBK®2011 FIM Superbike World Championship
NPWR01840_00 Shadows of the Damned™ [EUR]
NPWR01862_00 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows™ - Part 2
NPWR01865_00 The Cursed Crusade - [USA]
NPWR01867_00 The Cursed Crusade - [KOR]
NPWR01888_00 Sacred 3
NPWR01894_00 Major League Baseball 2K11 [EUR]
NPWR01901_00 Atelier Meruru: The Apprentice of Arland (メルルのアトリエ ~アーランドの錬金術士3~) [JPN]
NPWR02029_00 The Adventures of Tintin [USA]
NPWR02036_00 Hunted: The Demon's Forge [JPN]
NPWR02037_00 Armored Core V [JPN]
NPWR02059_00 Call of Duty®: Black Ops II
NPWR02062_00 Disgaea 4 [EUR]
NPWR02088_00 Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme VS (機動戦士ガンダム エクストリームバーサス)
NPWR02122_00 Okabu
NPWR02133_00 The House of the Dead: OVERKILL™ Extended Cut
NPWR02138_00 Shin Sangoku Musuou 6 Moushouden (真・三國無双6 猛将伝)
NPWR02260_00 Medieval Moves [USA]
NPWR02322_00 Modern Warfare® 3
NPWR02367_00 Blades of Time
NPWR02564_00 Schlag den Raab – Das 2. Spiel
NPWR02572_00 Warriors Orochi 2 (無双OROCHI2)
NPWR02652_00 ONE PIECE: PIRATE WARRIORS (ワンピース 海賊無双) [JPN]
NPWR02660_00 Shin Sangoku Musou 6 Moushouden (真・三國無雙6 猛將傳) [ASIA]
NPWR02666_00 Suigetsu Vol.2 (水月 弐)
NPWR02712_00 YAKUZA: Dead Souls [EUR/USA]
NPWR02730_00 The Ultimate Battle of the Sexes: Quiz & Play!
NPWR02746_00 Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball 2011 Ketteiban (実況パワフルプロ野球2011決定版)
NPWR02777_00 Medieval Moves [EUR]
NPWR02846_00 Shin Toudai Shougi (新 東大将棋)
NPWR02865_00 Professional BaseBall Spirits 2012 (プロ野球スピリッツ2012)
NPWR02896_00 Umineko no Naku Koro ni: CHiru Shinjitsu to Gensou no Yasoukyoku (うみねこのなく頃に ~真実と幻想の夜想曲~)
NPWR02910_00 Everyone Sing
NPWR02915_00 Persona 4 ARENA
NPWR02933_00 Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball 2012 (実況パワフルプロ野球2012)
NPWR02935_00 MOE MOE Daisensou * Gendaiban++ (萌え萌え大戦争☆げんだいばーん++)
NPWR02947_00 Gal*Gun (ぎゃる☆がん)
NPWR03023_00 Shinken de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai! R (真剣で私に恋しなさい!R)
NPWR03050_00 Armored Core V [USA]
NPWR03067_00 Armored Core V [EUR]
NPWR03080_00 Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock
NPWR03096_00 Winning Post 7 2012
NPWR03098_00 Armored Core V [ASIA]
NPWR03104_00 The Price is Right Decades
NPWR03108_00 DiRT Showdown
NPWR03109_00 Major League Baseball 2K12 [EUR/USA]
NPWR03125_00 STEINS;GATE 比翼恋理のだーりん [JPN]
NPWR03137_00 Mugen Souls (圧倒的遊戯 ムゲンソウルズ) [JPN]
NPWR03218_00 LEGO® The Lord of the Rings™
NPWR03279_00 Major League Baseball 2K12 [JPN]
NPWR03418_00 YAKUZA 1 & 2 HD Edition (龍が如く)
NPWR03465_00 YAKUZA 5 (龍が如く5 夢、叶えし者)
NPWR03480_00 Ultra Dimension NeptuneV [JPN]
NPWR03493_00 Expedition Troopers (エクストルーパーズ)
NPWR03546_00 Assassin's Creed® III
NPWR03558_00 Hunter's Trophy 2 - Europa
NPWR03580_00 XCOM: Enemy Unknown
NPWR03606_00 Alien: Isolation
NPWR03613_00 Akatsuki no Goei: Trinity (暁の護衛 トリニティ)
NPWR03641_00 Pro Foosball [EUR]
NPWR03642_00 Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of 2
NPWR03652_00 Legasista [EUR/USA]
NPWR03664_00 Zombie Tycoon 2: Brainhov's Revenge [EUR/USA]
NPWR03670_00 Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning (J)
NPWR03686_00 Mugen Souls [EUR/USA]
NPWR03699_00 (真・三國無双6 Empires)
NPWR03726_00 Evangelion (激アツ!! パチゲー魂MAX ヱヴァンゲリヲン “7” × “生命の鼓動”)
NPWR03745_00 Dynasty Warriors 8 (真・三國無双7) [JPN]
NPWR03768_00 DanceStar™ Party Hits
NPWR03771_00 Angry Birds Trilogy
NPWR03808_00 Dead Space™ 3
NPWR03824_00 YAKUZA 2 (龍が如く2)
NPWR03845_00 The Bureau: XCOM Declassified
NPWR03848_00 Muv-Luv Alternative (マブラヴ オルタネイティヴ)
NPWR03936_00 South Park™: The Stick of Truth™
NPWR03948_00 Darksiders II [JPN]
NPWR03961_00 GRID 2
NPWR04036_00 Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball 2012 Ketteiban (実況パワフルプロ野球2012決定版)
NPWR04077_00 Scourge: Outbreak