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Tutorial: How to set a cid with webman


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Hello ConsoleCrunch Users,

Today im writing this tutorial on how to set a CID on a CFW with WebMan

This is good for people that cannot use CCAPI or other things to set CIDs as you can set CIDs with WebMan on the PS3, Computer, or even on an Android Phone using this app made by Mr Smithy X.

With this Tutorial i will be showing you how to do it on the PS3 its self (Computer independent) and with the use of a PC


Okay This is going to be the Computer Side of things

STEP 1- Make sure you have WebMan enabled on your PS3
(This may seem Obvious but sometimes people forget to do it and don't understand why it wont work)

You can Enable WebMan by going into Rebug Toolbox (i have mine renamed cos im that sw3g)


Then going navigating to the SELECTOR tab (1)

Then going to TOGGLE COBRA MODE (2) and making sure this is ENABLED

After than scroll down to TOGGLE WEBMAN (3) and make sure that is also ENABLED

After that Restart your PS3 and these setting should be activated


STEP 2 - Going into Webman from your PC
1. Open Up a Web Browser, for this i will be using Chrome but it should work on Firefox as well

2. Navigate to your Search Bar and type in your PS3 IP ADDRESS (this can be found in system settings or in Rebug toolbox under system settings)

and Press ENTER or search

It Should now take you to the Webman manager and should look like this


STEP 3 - Navigating to where the CID change option is and changing it

1. Navigate to the SETUP tab and click on it


2. From here scroll down till you find Change idps and psid in lv2 memory at system startup


(The CID and PSID i have in here are BANNED so dont even trynna bother to use them :carling: )

3. From here its pretty basic, the CID is 32 characters long so for Each of the boxes put 16 Characters of the CID/PSID in them, simple maths aye guys

Then Check Each of the 2 boxes


4. Scroll right down to the bottom of the page and click SAVE


So Yeah Now when ever you start your PS3 and you have WebMan enabled it should Set the CID and PSID you set

STEP 1- Make sure you have WebMan enabled on your PS3

(This may seem Obvious but sometimes people forget to do it and don't understand why it wont work)

You can Enable WebMan by going into Rebug Toolbox (i have mine renamed cos im that sw3g)


Then going navigating to the SELECTOR tab (1)

Then going to TOGGLE COBRA MODE (2) and making sure this is ENABLED

After than scroll down to TOGGLE WEBMAN (3) and make sure that is also ENABLED

After that Restart your PS3 and these setting should be activated



1. Click on webMAN Games located above the disc on your PS3 XMB


2. After clicking on it it should bring you to some Options within there, click on webMAN Setup


STEP 3 - Navigating To and Setting CID

1. Once you have clicked on WebMan Setup you will be confroneted with a screen like this


2. Click on the SETUP Option if you arent already


3. From here scroll down till you find Change idps and psid in lv2 memory at system startup


(The CID and PSID i have in here are BANNED so dont even trynna bother to use them :carling: )

4. From here its pretty basic, the CID is 32 characters long so for Each of the boxes put 16 Characters of the CID/PSID in them, simple maths aye guys

Then Check Each of the 2 boxes


5. Now Scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page and click SAVE


Your CID Should now be saved

Thats the Thread done and Thanks For reading, Hope i Helped some people out.

Posted by RealCFW.
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