VITAflux to save your eyes in the dark

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Jul 13, 2016
The Vitas OLED (1k) have a very boring problem with their screen, it tends to enjoy a brightness and a slightly exaggerated brightness. When you take advantage of the light it is not inconvenient, but when you find yourself in the darkness or total black, your eyes may hurt you in the dark, because the colors are too high.

This is where 'VitaFlux' comes in a new plugin created by 'Davis9278' which does a similar job to f.lux to avoid getting hurt in your eyes.


What is VitaFlux?

VitaFlux is a plugin for the PlayStation Vita that works similarly to f.lux, Night Shift (iOS) and LiveDisplay (Cyanogenmod). This means that a filter is applied on your screen to reduce the white light directly into your eyes in the dark as it is both harmful and could be very annoying to some.

VitaFlux allows you to apply an orange filter (with a lower brightness setting) to protect your eyes. When using it, it is quite simple, while you are playing a game, you have to press 'START + SELECT' at the same time, go to the menu and use the right or left button on the d-pad to switch filtered. Some users have reported that it slows down their games, the developer will have to check if this is true.

Download the plugin (vflux.suprx) to your computer, copy it to your Vita via FTP / USB, then modify the taiHEN 'config.txt' file accordingly, as you must manually write the title ID, as on the Most plugins.

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