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[Works most of the time]How to get unbanned from bans on games[FULL TUTORIAL]

Hi everyone, today i will tell you how i got unbanned from any game wich is permanently, for example bo2 console device ban,

First if you are on DEX, go to CEX, i will explain how to here, (you will need your original flashes)
for example -CEX-FLASH.EID0.NORBIN (16mb) or CEX-FLASH.EID0.NANDBIN (239mb or 256mb)

1.Download REBUG 4.46.1 D-REX EDITION & rebug toolbox from the official site (
http://rebug.me/ )

2. get a usb and make a folder in it called PS3 then in that folder a folder called UPDATE then in that folder copy & paste the REBUG 4.46.1 D-REX EDITION and rename it to PS3UPDAT.PUP (not PS3UPDATE.PUP) and put your usb in the far right slot of your ps3 (usb000)

3. if you are on ps3ita 4.50 you can just install rebug 4.46.1 d-rex edition from xmb, i know this because that's what i did.

4. after it's installed, with your usb still in usb000 got to game>package manager>install packages files>standard package location>

5. install rebug toolbox, or if you already had it, delete it an reinstall it(because when i was from ps3ita to rebug it told me in rebug toolbox my lv2 kernel was cex and target type was dex but i clearly had came from dex, and because i didn't was able to rewrite my flash i reinstalled the toolbox and it worked, it told me after my lv2 kernel was dex and target type dex to :D so that way i was able to rewrite my flash!
6.go to your computer with your usb and put the 2 on your usb, the ones you made when you changed to DEX
CEX-FLASH.EID0.NORBIN (16mb) or CEX-FLASH.EID0.NANDBIN (239mb or 256mb)

7. it cannot be DEX-FLASH.EID0.NORBIN and CEX-FLASH.EID0.NANDBIN, it has to be 2 times nor or 2 times nand

8. put yours in the root of your usb,

9. go to ps3 put in the usb containing your flashes, start up rebug toolbox go to system information, should tell that both is on DEX ( target type & lv2 kernel ) then go to CEX/DEX functions and click this:

10. you are on cex, congratz!

11. unbaning part;

Install latest SEN ENABLER at writing of the tutorial it is SEN ENABLER 5.3.3 Including 4.55 spoofer for rebug download here;

12. put it on usb the pkg file and txt files, change them to a valid unbanned console id, and psid, can be random psid, for mac adres go to your ps3 and get your mac adres from settings>network settings>settings and connection status list>scroll down to mac adres, and put the latest number/letter one above if it is 11:22:33:44:55:66 make it 11:22:33:44:55:67 then put all these files on the usb

13. install sen enabler

14. open sen enabler ( GT ACADEMY 2013 )

15. first time u open sen enabler press [] for enable spoofer 4.55 on rebug 4.46.1 then it'll ask to reboot, say yes, go to sen enabler again, u don't need to enable SEN acces anymore, that's one time but now come's what you have to do everytime u want to play, first change mac with O then it'll reboot LV2 press ok, then start sen enabler again and press R3 (right joystick press it ) it'll patch console id, psid

16. press anything on the d-pad (arrows) it'll quit, go ahead and start up BO2 for example with original eboots and all, just download the latest pkg file and decrypt it using pkg file decrypter get the original eboot and .self's, replace these via ftp on latest multiman for CEX,

17. login and enjoy beign unbanned till you reboot ps3, u only have to do the latest steps, change mac and patch usb data,

Have fun, it took me awhile to write this so please show some appreciation :D, if there are any questions i'll happily answer them!

Credits XenonLegend
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