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  1. Government

    Customizable user profiles

    I understand. Just my opinion :) didn't know what kind of perks premiums get friend. So that's cool
  2. Government

    Customizable user profiles

    just a thought, I think it would be cool if we could customize our user profiles, I mean color and let's say add a banner. Let me know what the rest of you think. I am also keeping in mind that this site is mostly for gaming and technology related topics, but a bit of a customized user profile...
  3. Government

    Ended Reflex BO2 Key Giveaway

    174 :)
  4. Government

    Banned Console Id #7979

    Thanks mate!!
  5. Government

    Banned Console ID #9876

    Thanks mate
  6. Government

    Banned Console ID #7968

  7. Government

    Banned Console ID #7967

    Thanks mate
  8. Government

    Banned Console ID #7964

  9. Government

    Can you pm me mate, I need a hand with a eboot.

    Can you pm me mate, I need a hand with a eboot.
  10. Government

    Hello consolecrunch!

    Thanks @Exskillz the people seem all very good
  11. Government

    Hello consolecrunch!

    Thanks everyone! Such a warm welcome.
  12. Government

    Hello consolecrunch!

    Hello consolecrunch! My name is Alex Kirstin I'm a call of duty modded, been modding since 3.55 jailbreak came out still a armature coder for call of duty mod menu scripts. Wanna know more about me send me a pm or hit me up on the chat
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