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  1. Diggygoglol

    Banned CONSOLE ID # 1271 [Still works] (REPOSTED)

    This CID still works for PSN as of 9:43 PM Eastern time US. I am sorry for re-posting. just trying to keep people happy :)
  2. Diggygoglol

    modded consoles and controllers

    I love what you do here! Is there anything you can do with a phat ps3? if so, let me know in a pm cause im more of a "do it yourself" person
  3. Diggygoglol

    Banned Console id #1265

    Nice. Thanks for the id :)
  4. Diggygoglol

    Banned CONSOLE ID #1186

    Still working :)
  5. Diggygoglol

    Banned CONSOLE ID #1186

    i was on till 12:05am eastern time
  6. Diggygoglol

    Banned CONSOLE ID #1186

    Good post but please put in a spoiler.
  7. Diggygoglol

    Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead: DayZ

    Anyone play the dayz mod that would like to play sometime? I have teamspeak and a few good servers to play on :)
  8. Diggygoglol

    Banned Console ID #1182

    Ghost will ban you everytime. so stop trying to mod it. gta, just dont be an idiot and get goot eboots. and please for the love of god please start spoofing id's... and replace history.
  9. Diggygoglol

    Hi, I'm new here...

    Welcome to CC! :) what part of NY are you from? I live in Northern Vermont. Maybe we are close? haha
  10. Diggygoglol

    Banned Console ID #1176

    Does work. my bad >_<
  11. Diggygoglol

    Banned Console ID #1176

    Are you signed in? sign out then in :p
  12. Diggygoglol

    Banned Console ID #1176

    PSN is banned now.
  13. Diggygoglol

    Homeland Security advises not to use internet explorer

    its funny cause i worked for homeland security and they have IE on their computer...and that is what my brother uses as a supervisor at Homeland security. And it was early march the last day i worked there...
  14. Diggygoglol

    Banned Console ID #1151

    Please put it in a spoiler :)
  15. Diggygoglol


    Very interesting! Will have to give it a shot! :)
  16. Diggygoglol

    ZER0_4.55-OFW-DB for PS3 CFW by Team ZER0

    ZER0 DB OFW 4.55 for PS3 CFW (CFW) By Team ZER0 Out http://www.***********/images.php?&f=zer0-db-ofw-4-55-for-ps3-custom-firmware-cfw-by-team-zer0-out-38197-1.jpg&w=500&h=400&s=1 Following up on their previous release and RetroA 4.55 DB OFW, today PlayStation 3 developer Habib (aka smhabib)...
  17. Diggygoglol

    There's no band anymore

    Very nice! I'm going to post Habib and team zero (XxZer0ModZxX) hybrid CFW/OFW for 4.50 soon :)
  18. Diggygoglol

    Banned Console ID #1131

    I will sign out and sign back in.....wait for it.... wait for it... Banned ffrom PSN
  19. Diggygoglol

    Shout Box Moderator Recruitment!

    Hello, I am Diggygoglol. I am 18 years old and have many different experiences in the online forum world. I am an admin on a hacking forum already so I am very well aware of being firm, cool an collected. I love to help people to the best of my ability and if I can not, I send them to the best...
  20. Diggygoglol

    Favourite Song/ Type?

    Welcome to the Family Avenged Sevenfold Metal/Rock/Metal Core.
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    @ QM|T_JinX: haha