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The problem is im not really sure how to hook up the e3 and all that jazz. i could probly figure it out no problem. Ill have to think about it :) bills come first But thanks i appreciate it guys.
I appreciate it totalModZ and of course dev. Ive sent out a ps3 for a downgrade to someone who was trusted and insightful on a forum i administrate but ended up never getting it back. Im always on my toes :)
Hey guys, i have two ylod ps3's that have fresh console id's. i was wondering if anyone with an e3 in the united states that is trusted could take these and send me the console id's
Ill pay for shipping (one way)
Ill pay for the service (I understand the duration of the cables)
Send me a pm or...
Hello I'm Tyler, from Vermont, USA. I just turned 19 Thursday and I would Love to become part of the console crunch team. Ive moderated and maintained forums before and love helping out and containing problems. Although I havn't been here for a year, I feel I can provide valuable help to the...
Hey guys! Found this useful place to be able to play clash of clans on your pc and/or mac!
Just go Here and choose your OS and let it download. Nortan gave me no problems :)
Note this is the application to be able to download and play games like clash of clans.
Share your file in a new easier way!
Faster than mediafire!
No bs about upload speed and download, it's all up to your ISP(contract). Sign up and have 5GB storage!
You can buy addons wich is to add storage on your actual storage.
Example: you have 5GB you buy the 5GB...
Chris is right, we would loose site traffic and load up on spam.
just a pain in the butt. When i first cam on here the id's would last all day and there would be like 5 on stand by.. haha. Just like to see them last longer.
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