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Search results

  1. JamesBboy

    Looking For Moderator

    Age: 16 Where I live: Washington (Not D.C.) I have a DEX 4.50ita (In case you want me to test a DEX rtm etc) I learned web security, C++, and Java 2 years ago. (By myself) But I stopped that for awhile now (haha). So I barely remember anything now. I am on this website regularly, and I don't...
  2. JamesBboy


  3. JamesBboy

    Help, network connection lost

    You saved my life
  4. JamesBboy

    Help, network connection lost

    Can someone help me? Every time I shoot my gun or try to kill someone is mw3 it kicks me and says "network connection lost". I have a DEX on 4.50ita and I have no tools on or connected whatsoever. Any reply would be awesome :)
  5. JamesBboy

    MzTool Release GTAV 1.11

    Virus scan
  6. JamesBboy

    Stuck on 3.55 DEX

    I finally got it lol. So im good now haha.
  7. JamesBboy

    Stuck on 3.55 DEX

    Nothings working..I cant update from xmb or the recovery menu.
  8. JamesBboy

    Stuck on 3.55 DEX

    Yea, Im working on it right now. Hopefully it works!
  9. JamesBboy

    Stuck on 3.55 DEX

    Sadly no...I updated my laptop to windows 8 and it formatted my C Drive..
  10. JamesBboy

    Stuck on 3.55 DEX

    Can someone help me? I was on 4.55 ita. And I wanted to change my mac address again. So I downgraded with a 3.55 DEX thingy. Now im stuck -.- Any help would be awesome :)
  11. JamesBboy

    Gta5 1.11 modmenu

    Sounds awesome lol, ill be waiting for that. :D
  12. JamesBboy

    Best patch?

    Any :)
  13. JamesBboy

    Best patch?

    What's your favorite or best patch on any call of duty? I need some new ones lol, mine are getting stale haha. Any reply would be awesome :D
  14. JamesBboy


    That copy an paste though... Smh, don't post the Skype if it's not your Skype -.-
  15. JamesBboy


    I meant the ps3, not the controller. My bad.
  16. JamesBboy


    I had this problem when I first downgraded my ps3. It might to do something with the wifi cable thingy inside the ps3. Try moving that a around. (worked for me, but maybe not for you)
  17. JamesBboy

    PS3 Black ops 2 league modding

    Im console banned lol, and im too lazy to change my mac address.
  18. JamesBboy

    PS3 Black ops 2 league modding

    I d0 :D but im banned..LOL
  19. JamesBboy

    Bypass 64 limit

    Lol, very true.
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