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Looking For Moderator

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hi im chris 18 years old live in Sydney Australia, i can rtm and rte downgrade consoles and have 2 consoles one on 3.55 and the other on 4.46.1 D-REX i would like to show people how goood of a modder i really am, plus i was super admin on explortmodding
Age: 16
Where I live: Washington (Not D.C.)
I have a DEX 4.50ita (In case you want me to test a DEX rtm etc)
I learned web security, C++, and Java 2 years ago. (By myself) But I stopped that for awhile now (haha). So I barely remember anything now.
I am on this website regularly, and I don't talk much but I try my best when someone asks for help.
I'm always positive, if you read the stuff I post you can tell that I am always ending it with something nice x)
I have 1 YouTube channel, only 8 subs (lol noob stats). But if you need some recording or want me to showcase something. Then I can help do it :D

This is all that I have to say, and thank you for reading :D
I would like to be a moderator im 18 from united kingdom i would like to help the community by doing free recovery services for everyone i am always online i mod all call of dutys from cod4 up to ghosts i mod gta IV and Gta V in my spare time i like to record with my Hd pvr my English and my grammar is good the ps3 i use is 4.50 ps ultimate i RealTimeMod on CEX :) i also code C++ and C# if any of yous have any questions feel free to ask me :)
UK <3 where abouts
Hi I would like to apply for moderator on here because I help ppl on site such as .org and other scene sites. I am 14 years old and I am employee on cc.org. I know most of the staff here and I will be active as well. Thanks for reading and I hope to be a Moderator! :)
Hi I would like to apply for moderator on here because I help ppl on site such as .org and other scene sites. I am 14 years old and I am employee on cc.org. I know most of the staff here and I will be active as well. Thanks for reading and I hope to be a Moderator! :)
Wow your the only mod from.org that's not mean props to u
Although I'm not applying for mod status id like to give my support to Jack
He is a premium member and is quite active in the forums.besides being a fellow Aussie he has the best naked avatar on the site
24 united states in really cool I don't abuse power I,hack gfx code I sell console ids I love cake :) I share the same name Logan the moderator

I also know alot of the ps3 scene making tools avoiding bans and I know alot about hacking in general I have 4 ps3s one for downgradeing and ps3 on 4.50 ita one one 4.46 rex one on 4.46 Rogero and one ofw :) I'm will continue to help the people of console crunch with anything I can I'm always online so when you guys go off I can assist people I real time edit/mod I don't play bo2 I hate it there so good at banning me ): ha I have been hacking/modding for about 4 years I was inspired by godlymods and Mr red dot :) I also love food and am a really weird funny person :) 1337 crew for moderator
Country: England
Been modding for 2 years and a few months until this time.
I've always been active in all discussions.
Have 3 ofw slim ps3. 3 Cfw Ps3 on 4.50ita DEX and rebug 4.46 DEX & Rogero CFW 4.55 CEX
I have been trying to get mod a while now :)
I'm pretty well known in the modding community
I have a 2 RGH Xboxs
I have 1 YT Channels 1 with 1k.3 subs
i have coded lots of menus and stuff like that and help people code them
working on 5 tools for Ghost Bo1 Mw3 Bo2 & mw2
I really Good At C# and GSC * c++
I speak french english latin german
Good Luck to everyone <3 ConsoleCrunch.com <3

- TacticalLobbies
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Country: USA
Im a dex/rtm modder who owns mm|t.I have a e3 flasher and code in c#,learning c,vbs,batch,vb.net,php,html.I hate ddos and viruses so I try to exploit people I know who do that.
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