24 united states in really cool I don't abuse power I,hack gfx code I sell console ids I love cake

I share the same name Logan the moderator
I also know alot of the ps3 scene making tools avoiding bans and I know alot about hacking in general I have 4 ps3s one for downgradeing and ps3 on 4.50 ita one one 4.46 rex one on 4.46 Rogero and one ofw

I'm will continue to help the people of console crunch with anything I can I'm always online so when you guys go off I can assist people I real time edit/mod I don't play bo2 I hate it there so good at banning me ): ha I have been hacking/modding for about 4 years I was inspired by godlymods and Mr red dot

I also love food and am a really weird funny person

1337 crew for moderator