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  1. PliskinDev

    Banned Console ID #8304

    :) psid and cìd for all to enjoy :) PSID-BB7449E68C43A2B1F8F6EC0E724816DD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- www.consolecrunch.com >Mizdx<
  2. N

    Banned Console ID #8167

    [/SPOILER] FULLY TESTED = Fully Working {TESTED} 15/09/2019 Credit: i dont know. a fan sent it to me :) Have fun![/SPOILER][/SPOILER]
  3. ElMastro

    Banned Console ID #8160

    Enjoy! Credit: Shalymar, Usernamehere
  4. J

    Banned Console ID # 8146

    Credits to James Olsen Dont forget to spoof the cid. it will last much longer
  5. S

    Banned Console ID #7983

    Credit : karina1994
  6. DjBeast2990

    PS3 Shelter - Spoof your CID rapidly

    Make sure to read the disclaimer first. Requirements: A PS3 System with CFW A CCAPI Version which works with the CFW Version in PS3 Download it here: https://www.enstoneworld.com/articles/view/15/ControlConsole_API PS3 and the computer which will be used need to be connected to the same...
  7. iZioid


    So you are probably wondering why you get banned so easily (On A Public Console ID*) well i got the answer for you! ;) AND HOW TO STOP/PREVENT IT!!! First, Click the "Like" button so i can get likes cause 9* is pretty Embarrassing.. :( And if you cant see the 2 Spoilers under this, Then you...
  8. Dana White

    Ended Private Console ID+PSID Giveaway

    Im giving away a private console id and psid all you need to do to enter is comment a number between 1-500 a winner will be picked by a random number generator on 20/10/2018 good luck everyone :)
  9. X

    Banned Console ID #7629

  10. I

    Banned Console ID #7449

    FREE CID <3
  11. Dana White

    Ended 1 Month Premium upgrade giveaway

    Im giving away a 1 month premium upgrade all you need to do to enter is comment a number below between 1-500 and i will pick a winner on 31/3/18 If you win you will get Access To Premium Section (Premium Cid's) Premium Badge (With Sparkly Username) Username Changing Able to delete own...
  12. Dana White


    Im giving away a private console id and psid all you need to do to enter is comment a number between 1-500 a winner will be picked on 2/4/2018 good luck everyone :)
  13. Dana White


    Im giving away a private console id and psid all you need to do to enter is comment a number between 1-500 a winner will be picked on 18/3/2018 good luck everyone :)
  14. ⚡️⚡️KushPlant420⚡️⚡️

    Banned CONSOLE ID #7313

    IDPS LV2: 0000000100840006100C8DB47A1804EF PSID LV2: 01D90017401C7718080A0B4000D0BB96 Credits: KushPlant420's Project KKK WebMan Exp0it
  15. ⚡️⚡️KushPlant420⚡️⚡️

    Banned CONSOLE ID #7312

    Credits: Project KKK Webman Expl0it LEAVE A LIKE !!!! (If you want lol)
  16. ⚡️⚡️KushPlant420⚡️⚡️

    Banned CONSOLE ID #7310

    Credits: @KushPlant420 Project KKK V2 [PRIVATE] Webman Expl0it
  17. Dana White

    Banned Premium Console ID #135

    Premium Console ID:https://consolecrunch.com/threads/premium-console-id-135.26060/ Premium Upgrade:https://consolecrunch.com/account/upgrades (Pm me to purchase with pay pal) YOU MUST HAVE A PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP TO SEE THIS CID
  18. W

    Banned Console ID #7269

  19. G

    Banned Console ID #7266

  20. G

    Banned Console ID #7237

    Cid : 000000010085000B140F9F727CB8BE6D
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