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  1. Futuristic Modz

    Banned Console ID #5144

    Enjoy <3 Please also remember to spoof to 00000000000000000000000000000000 Please post when it's banned <3 Credit: HackAndMods Happy Modding <3
  2. Asher

    solved a error code and got another need help

    i got error code 80010017 when i started bo2 now i solved that i get a error code 80010006 when im starting multiman
  3. Revisual


    USING YOUR PSP TO UNBAN YOUR PS3 SYSTEM Yes, it's official - you can now use your PSP to retreive a console id to unban your PS3 system. This is literally is the same as pulling a CID off a PS3, but the only difference is your using a PSP! Many people are taking advantage of this situation...
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