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  1. A

    PS3 4.88 Update issues

    So I was on 4.87 EVILNAT CFW ps3. The SONY update notification popped up and I clicked yes like a dumb ass and it started to update, and I was just going to let it do it's thing but our power glitched out and so it shut off during the process. Now that it's back on, it is stuck on the page that...
  2. A

    PS3 CFW Failed to Join Session Incompatible Assets Error

    Hi, I am currently on 4.82 CEX Rebug CFW PS3. I had an issue where I had to delete everything off my ps3 to fix it. Now that everything is back to normal, the only issue I am having is when I try to join a friend on gta and it says "FAILED TO JOIN SESSION DUE TO INCOMPATIBLE ASSETS". It is my...
  3. Lush _Modz

    PS3 GTA 5 [C/C++] Script Menu Base Source Remake By Lush Modz

    GTA 5 [C/C++] Script Menu BaseSource Remake By Lush Modz This is a .csc Script menu base for C++, I will be making more script menus for the public. I will try to make bases as unique as possible! [Credits] Original Base By: 2Much4uBase Ported By: FaZe Modz Remade Base By: Lush Modz Don't...
  4. PliskinDev

    PS3 [GTA V] Hextic Mod Menu Sprx R9.5 [HEN-DEX-CEX]

    --------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Download -------------------------------------------------- Mizdx
  5. James_reborn

    PS3 [CFW / HEN / BLES / BLUS / PS3 ] James reborn Mod Loader v40.1

    James reborn Mod Loader Mod Loader Video : Mod Loader Picture : Binds to Open Mod Loader : Downloads : Mod Loader Base : -> NotYourDope <- Heavily Edited by James reborn Script Injector to Compile CSA File : EROOTIIK Fixes for AP II INTENSE v2.2 : Vicodin10 Console Trainer V : Evil...
  6. PliskinDev

    PS3 [ GTA V ] Protect And Encrypt Your Script [CSC-YSC-XSC]

    -------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- Protect And Encrypt you're Script ----------------------------- Obuscation And Shrinker And Optimizer ( PS3 And XBOX360 Not Supported Do Not Use it...
  7. ID72303

    PS3 (GTA 5 1.27) - W33D MOD Loader +Auto-Installer Tool by ID72303 (FREE)

    Hello everyone from ID72303, I apologize in advance for my bad English, I hope to be as clear as possible! After 3 months of uninterrupted work, blasphemies, sclerics and bugs of all kinds, I'm finally here to release the brand new W33D MOD Loader, now in its 6 version. 0, eh yes, it seems...
  8. Sahnemixer

    Not any Mod menus working at all

    So, im on Dex 4.84 (i think) and i just recently tried to install Mod Menus for GTA 5 and Black Ops2 and non of them properly work. In GTA5, when i try to use a Mod loader, its just stuck in an infinite loading screen and the image in the background freezes. And in Black Ops2 the Menu is working...
  9. nolanbkhnkgvvf

    PS3 is PSninja still working?

    because it says its obsolete and not to use with newer cfw
  10. nolanbkhnkgvvf

    Need help finding a mod loader that fits my needs

    So i recently jailbroke my fat ps3 with cfw and have installed webman, multiman, rebug toolbox and a bunch of other homebrew apps... but im making this thread hoping someone can help me out in guiding me to a mod loader that has at the latest versions of these 5 mod menus (if theres one with...
  11. Lush _Modz

    PS3 GTA 5 OpGreece SPRX 4.4 FREE (Cracked By Cane) PS3

    GTA 5 OpGreece SPRX 4.4 FREE (Cracked By Cane) PS3 Capture By DeathZoneModz :xD: LIKE & COMMENT Virus Total: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/url/9bea3761853bb0153ba4b1cd4e0e8ba68ca43fba9d50aec6473f6af95ef35d08/detection
  12. XMTDubzz(Real)

    PS3 Decipher V1.1 GTA5 Mod Loader By XMTDubzz (CFW) Cex And Dex Compatible

    :animatedlol: hey guys! XMTDubzz Here Posting My First Thread And Im So Happy That Im Releasing My New Decipher V1.1 Mod Loader! :blueheart:What Menus Does My Mod Loader Have?:heart1: --- :)1. API INTENSE ;)2. Flex v2.2 :(3. Rayrods V4 :mad:4. Danii x MoDz Recovery menu :confused:5...
  13. Lush _Modz

    PS3 Lush Modz Basic ModLoader PS3 [MODDED TEXTURE - RPF

    Lush Modz Basic ModLoader PS3 [MODDED TEXTURE - RPF Lush Modz Basic ModLoader This is my Modloade, it's just a simple Loader, This was created with Moadloader Maker V2 , I didnt have time to make sub menus I wanted this project to be simple and no issues! THIS HAS MODDED TEXTURES...
  14. PliskinDev

    PS3 [GTA V][HEN] RTM Tool Name And Crew Changer v3.0

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------ RTM Tool Name And Crew Changer v3.0 Support HEN Only ------------------------------------------------------------ Download And Virustotal ---------------------------------------------------- Enjoy
  15. ANGUS0023233

    PS3 [GTA5] [HEN] Mod Menu CEX HFW PS3 SuperSlim and 3k models (80+ Mod Menus)

    This works on HEN {Has over 80+ Menus} *Watch the creator youtube video to know how to install the menus and use them* :) Video link part 1: Video link part 2: Download link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/js7h7gbx44xq2bp/GTA5_ModLoader_&_SPRX_Installer.zip/file All credits to: VENOMz...
  16. Ewaohproductions

    EwoahProductions GTA5 MODDED LOBBY {FREE}{2019}

    EwoahProductions GTA5 MODDED LOBBY { FREE }:pap: :omg: Using Semajeses Paid Mod Menu!:omg: :sup:How To Get In?:sup: :weed: YOUTUBE GAMEPLAY OF MOD MENU !:dance: {Shoutout To Semajases For Creating This Amazing Mod Menu!} Make Sure To Read Everything On the Spoiler To get in the...
  17. StrikerModz

    PS3 Salfety V4.2

    Hello everybody, this is my first thread! I have this mod menu Salfety V4.2 here. It is a VERY good free menu for GTA 5 PS3. I hope you have fun with it! Be nice please. Have a good day :) [/spoiler] Posted by StrikerModz
  18. Toofaces2

    PS3 [RELEASE] GTA 5 Multi-EBOOT (DEX/1.27)

    MULTI EBOOT - BLES 1.27 - Debug (DEX) - Cash Drop - Anti Ban - Script Bypass - XMB Crash Fix - Vehicle Freeze Protection - Anti Cheater Reports Open Sprx Menu with: - GTA.sprx - GTAmenu.sprx - Lexicon.sprx - Polynesia.sprx - Power.sprx Open the Menu with Polynesia.sprx. This get auto...
  19. Slashn

    PS3 NEW Paid Independence SPRX!

    Hello, This is a post that is just to show people my favorite mod menu. (This menu has been out for a little bit and is not the biggest one out there) (I did not make this video, All credits to it's creator.) Link to purchase: https://independence-sprx.co.uk/order.php?ref=3AMUUIQA Some...
  20. Stride

    PS3 Kurt2467 Exposed For CID Stealing

    As many people of NGU, *********, TTG, and now CC, Probably now by now Kurt2467 has been exposed for having a CID stealer in the new "Good" Menace GTA5 SPRX Menu, has a CID Stealer in it, and there's some great proof to show that this is indeed true. Lets begin! But before I do so, I take 100%...
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