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  1. ⚡️⚡️KushPlant420⚡️⚡️

    Banned CONSOLE ID #7310

    Credits: @KushPlant420 Project KKK V2 [PRIVATE] Webman Expl0it
  2. Dana White

    Banned Premium Console ID #135

    Premium Console ID:https://consolecrunch.com/threads/premium-console-id-135.26060/ Premium Upgrade:https://consolecrunch.com/account/upgrades (Pm me to purchase with pay pal) YOU MUST HAVE A PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP TO SEE THIS CID
  3. BM|T-Jamie

    Watch Netflix, Youtube, Hulu w.e no PSN sign in required

    change np to INVALID In debug settings Works with any application on there latest updates CHANGE BACK TO ( NP ) WHEN DONE Easy As A,B,C Hope This Helps :p
  4. F

    PS3 Tool Revolution GCS Injector By Francois284Modz

    ★ Name : Revolution Gcs Injector By Francois284Modz ★ Stable : Yes ★ Type : RTM Tool ★ Version : V1 ★ Supported Game: Black Ops 2 ★ Version of Game : 1.19 ★ Virus Scan: https://www.virustotal.com/#/file-analysis/ZGQxZjdhZWE3N2EzZDhmMWQxNDk3ODM0MTM0YzdkYTk6MTUxNjY2NDM3NA== ★ Download ...
  5. BM|T-Jamie

    [PS3/XBOX] OpenIV Editor + Keys [GTA V]

    Hello CC user's Today I present to you Open IV With both xbox 360 and ps3 "encryption_key.bin" files, now it didn't take long to notice or a genius and i have seen people asking for the ps3 key, the libertyV rpf viewer had the keys all along for those who did not know, you can feel free to...
  6. J

    PS3 Any one have a TBOGT + MDV13 back up?

    Hi I am looking for a MDV13 with Tbogt the full game back up for OFW i found some versions but when I open and use menu half of the scripts are missing/ does anyone have the TBOGT full game back up with the mod menu? or can anyone please post theirs?
  7. J


    (PS3) Hi guys, This might sound stupid I am new to this modding thing. So basically I already have a back up of the mod menu MDV13 it works good on gta 4 but i want it for TBOGT i downloaded ii_B4CK XD's it was working good on tbogt too but i want MDV13 on there and I cant make it work i tried...
  8. Dana White

    Jailbreak any OFW 4.82 PS3 - No More E3 Flasher

    Today the Ps3Xploit Team has given us an OFW4.82 to CFW exploit this means that you will never require an E3 flasher or comparable hardware downgrader this is enormous news in the ps3 modding scene yet it additionally implies that there will be alot more modders on the web and Sony won't care...
  9. Christo

    PS3 Firmware 4.82 released!

    PS3 Firmware 4.81 was released over a year back by Sony, and a large portion of us anticipated that it would be the last firmware ever for the PS3. Be that as it may, a couple of hours back, Sony discharged firmware 4.82, and this does not feel like an occurrence Source: Sony @Dany2511...
  10. PPRX

    PC (TUTORIAL) How to Add Freeze Gun Protection To Your Own MD Essentials Source

    PPRX's GTA:IV Simple Script Coding Tutorial for Script Beginners * Sorry for My Bad English :( * In this tutorial used Sublime Text 3. Hi guys. today i will show you how to add simple freeze gun protection to MD Essentials source. There is no detailed explanation of the native function in this...
  11. Dana White

    Ended Private Console ID+ PSID Giveaway

    Im am giving away a Private CID and matching PSID. REQUIREMENTS TO ENTER 1.must have at least 5 post's on the site. 2.must be a helpful member. To enter pick a number between 1-500 i will pick a winner on 30/9/17
  12. T

    Multiman Help!!

    Im on 4.75ita dex spoofed to 4.80. When i have a game disc in it shows on xmb and i can play it. But when i load multiman it doesn't show under games, It only shows refresh and rebug toolbox under games? I've searched everywhere and can't find the answer! Help please!
  13. A

    PS3 AtomicX - Browse, Download and Install GSC Mods for Black Ops II (PS3/XBOX) [Open Source/C#]

    Hello ConsoleCrunch, A basic server-driven Call of Duty: Black Ops II GSC injector. Supports both Multiplayer & Zombies. Update #1: Database now has well over 50 mods. Hopefully Zombies coming soon too. Thank you all for your support. Update #2: All GSC files are now supported, for both...
  14. subtodublinmodz

    LegendarySprx V5 SPRX Menu Update

    This Mod menu was created by me and has alot of options. Feel Free to contact me anytime. Skype: Dublinmodz1 or kik: dublinmodz2 ONLY $15 Buy here: http://legendarysprx.com
  15. J

    me and friend are both on the same cid but he cant log onto psn

    ok this morning i get notified that pardox updated so i rush to my ps3 to log on and verify i log on and see that its true so i call up a friend and tell him to get online but he goes to get online and it says hes permanently or temporarily banned but were on the same console id and im able to...
  16. UltimateZhafran

    Need Help with my jailbroken ps3

    Hello everyone.... I seriously need some help here My Ps3 is jailbroken running at 4.81 CFW With cobra ferrox And i also use multiman to play games not like webman or irisman When i bought this used ps3 it was on version 4.80 cfw and cex version,i was able to login to psn with no problem at all...
  17. PugLife

    PS3 Project Desire 1.27 RTM/RPC (Working Download)

    So this tool has been released for a while but usually the download links are broken so here you guys go enjoy credit: To the Developers of the tool Me: for uploading it
  18. GTM99

    Banned Console ID #7070

    Please let me know when this is banned :)
  19. Dana White

    big Modding starter pack

    I have put together some different tools/menus that most people use when they first start modding to help out the people that have just got there cfw ps3. If you do not know how to use one of the tools or menus feel free to pm me and i will be happy to help you out. PS3 TOOLS...
  20. jailbreaker4000

    PS3 How to not get banned on GTA 5

    Hi I'm just wondering if anyone knows a good method avoiding getting banned from modding GTA. Thanks in advance.
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