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  1. PliskinDev

    PlayStation 3 Manager HEN RTM Tool v6.0 By Mizdx - Changer PSID And IDPS

    ================================== Pictures About HEN RTM Tool v6.0 ======================================= In the event of a problem or error in RTMTool Please report it to me in comments Features will be added in upcoming updates...
  2. AMGW

    PLS HELP need an old psn acc for mw3 and mw2 <3

    hello everyone, may somebody has an old secondary account with mw3 and mw2 online stats. i have a new account and cant play these fantastic games :( please help <3
  3. PliskinDev

    PSN STUFF v9 - Download Updates, Games, Dlcs, Raps

    PSN Stuff v9 Lastest Version ---------------------------------------------- PSN Stuff Explained ------------------------- What is new Update DataBase to the latest version --------------------------------- Download And Virustotal --------------------------- Enjoy
  4. marioss77

    problem with sing in on psn with 4.84CFW

    hello everyone.Yesterday i tried to sing in on psn. first i installed sen enabler and it was allready enabled and then i tried to sing in but i had a problem saying << you can't signi in with another id(email address)>> whoever knows please help me thanks <3
  5. marioss77

    help me to get online

    hello everyone i am new to all this and i wann know how to sing in to psn and play normal online games on my jailbroken ps3.Now i hane 4.84 cex and i have seen some spoof programs or psninja but i don't know if i have to use them.
  6. thehometown97

    PSN error on Cfw

    An error has occurred. You have been signed out of PSN. (80710016) Anyone know how to fix this for cfw ps3?
  7. DjBeast2990

    PS3 Shelter - Spoof your CID rapidly

    Make sure to read the disclaimer first. Requirements: A PS3 System with CFW A CCAPI Version which works with the CFW Version in PS3 Download it here: https://www.enstoneworld.com/articles/view/15/ControlConsole_API PS3 and the computer which will be used need to be connected to the same...
  8. Lilxan

    Looking for PS4 GTA Online players (friendly)

    good morning everyone, gotta go to work soon but on the other hand I need some friends on gta online. I'm level 8 and don't do much with other people because they blow me up :xD:. If you wanna add me my PSN ID is : xSkrilxx Preferably friendly players, someone to do those cool bunker missions...
  9. L


    I came across a post today named: *WHY IS SONY BANNING US FASTER THEN LIGHTNING + **HOW TO PREVENT IT!!!** 100% WORKING! The Poster of this thread is mostly just spreading Conspiracy Theories about bots and about how he knows people at SONY and how SONY doesn't ban people on Sundays because...
  10. Zrofar

    How to customize PSN Flair Color to any color (CEX OR DEX)

    In this tutorial I will be showing how to make your PSN Flair color anything, and even edit the opacity (transparency/translucence) of it. *Apps Needed: CCAPI on PC and PS3, NetCheat I would assume that a lot of you have heard of the PS Vita banner colors too, but this is not that. This new...
  11. kickassmods

    Banned Console ID #7616

    PSN- JokerRunsDex
  12. Banned

    Help [Avatar]

    Anyone knows how to make a custom avatar that will actually stick to your psn not like the ones you can put on and no one sees it and after signing out its gone
  13. Cobra3055

    psn password

    At my last log in psn requested I had to change my password, is this normal...?
  14. Dana White

    Banned Premium Console ID #135

    Premium Console ID:https://consolecrunch.com/threads/premium-console-id-135.26060/ Premium Upgrade:https://consolecrunch.com/account/upgrades (Pm me to purchase with pay pal) YOU MUST HAVE A PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP TO SEE THIS CID
  15. we_thy_unknown

    Sony Reveals New PS4.5 Console and possible 4k

    Sup Muhta Crunchers Seems like sony wants to bring something new to the table along with the VR! Last week, PlayStation announced that they were developing a new PlayStation unit that would co-exist alongside their record-breaking PS4 unit. The new unit or PS4.5 is being developed to cater...
  16. Coolmoddz

    ERROR CODE 80010006

    after loading up gta 5 it asked me to update then it said that I need don't have enough memory so I quitted and then I couldn't access any homebrew or do anything I was stuck on the xmb I also lost all my updates on games and savegames
  17. Coolmoddz


    so after all my accounts got banned I decided to make a new one and it wouldn't let me what am I supposed to do now :egged:
  18. Vass

    Console Bans (UPDATED) (IMPORTANT)

    okay just confirmed psn have stopped banning cid's or lowered the banning on them they have now moved onto banning ips it restricts you fully from online features been on the phone with Virgin for an hour now and we went to live chat with sony support they now ban your ip i tested the theory...
  19. Lindows

    Playstation Vita System Software Update 3.57

    Sony released their new Playstation Vita System Software 3.57 for the PS Vita & PSTV devices today. The new Firmware 3.57 is a mandatory firmware update, which is required for using Playsation servers, such as the PSN Store and online games. This new update has not only removed the Facebook...
  20. Revisual

    PS3 LIMBO [DEX/1.26]

    UNDER CONSTRUCTION... Hands down, it's one of the most beautiful and elegant menus I've seen so far when it comes for the fact that it's FREE. Menu works fine online as well as offline, no major issues with the menus stability and features. Fun and exciting menu for those want to be able to...
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