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  1. PPRX


    Hi ConsoleCrunch.com :D I decided to release this protection by looking at current GTA modding scene :) Credits: PPRX (SPRX & Pre Modded EBOOT) Special Thanks to SockStress (without him, it was impossible to create this protection)
  2. SPARX_Modz

    PS3 [Bo2/1.19] Project GT v2 Non-Host + Pre-Game [DOWNLOAD]

    Best Free SPRX Menu :p Created By : MrReekoFTWxD Controls in the TXT File
  3. Dana White

    Ended Semjases Mod menu giveaway

    I am giving away a copy of semjases mod menu for gta 5 all you need to do to enter is comment a number between 1-500 a winner will be picked on 31/3/18 good luck everyone :)
  4. Toofaces2

    PS3 [RELEASE] GTA 5 Multi-EBOOT (DEX/1.27)

    MULTI EBOOT - BLES 1.27 - Debug (DEX) - Cash Drop - Anti Ban - Script Bypass - XMB Crash Fix - Vehicle Freeze Protection - Anti Cheater Reports Open Sprx Menu with: - GTA.sprx - GTAmenu.sprx - Lexicon.sprx - Polynesia.sprx - Power.sprx Open the Menu with Polynesia.sprx. This get auto...
  5. X

    PS3 GTA V [SPRX/C++] Development Services

    I'm going to keep this thread nice and simple since it is pretty self explanatory (Title says it all). As you have most likely heard/seen Rockstar (Take-Two) have taken legal action on major Mod Menu developers which has caused them to ceasing all maintenance, development and distribution of...
  6. V21Dangerous_


    Polynesia! Features Self Options Server Option Player List Modder Protection Weapons Options Spawn Vehicles Vehicle Options Teleportations Ped Options Object Options Misc Options Force Teleport Players And Much More...
  7. Slashn

    PS3 NEW Paid Independence SPRX!

    Hello, This is a post that is just to show people my favorite mod menu. (This menu has been out for a little bit and is not the biggest one out there) (I did not make this video, All credits to it's creator.) Link to purchase: https://independence-sprx.co.uk/order.php?ref=3AMUUIQA Some...
  8. Harrison

    General Knowledge

    Hello fellas, sorry to be that guy but I recently got my fresh Rebug Dex w/ my Private CID and I wanted to know the standard things to do in order to mod online and not get banned, like what should I do before I sign in... should I use anti ban eboots for all the relativly newer versions of cod...
  9. John Ziegler

    PS3 [HELP]Teleport To Me Issues

    Hello, I am having issues teleporting other players to my current coordinates in the game. I can successfully teleport to them but not able to teleport them to me. They do appear at first then disappear and return to their previous location. Currently i am using SET_ENTITY_COORDS after...
  10. Zrathex

    PS3 [1.26|DEX|BLES] G N✘K S SPRX Mod Menu v1.3 + FIREMAGGOT's G N✘K S

    To use the GNXKS sprx you need the sprx file and aneboot, you could use your own eboot but i recommend you to use our eboot because we’ve noticed that the sprx freeze with other eboot than our! You can also use our Mod Loader (include 7 script menus). We’re recommending to download the All in...
  11. Zrathex

    PS3 Non Host SPRX | Frost Engine | DEX

    Hello Crunchers! :) If you want a Non Host sprx menu for mw3, then you have come to the right thread. Hope you like the menu :D Frost Engine Virus Scan
  12. Zrathex

    PS3 [MW3/1.24] SPRX Menu | Virtual Energy + DOWNLOAD

    Hey Crunchers! :) I'll show you what OLDSCHOOLMODZHD posted: This version is very close to the finished menu, I just need to finish messing with the aimbot and forge mode until they fit my standards and then a full release should be on its way! :) Anyway I am releasing this because so many...
  13. xPreeksHackz

    PS3 [1.24/SPRX] Snow Engine Edit (w/NonHost Change Team & Change Class)

    Hey guys, I can't post this on NGU because they want to get money with the new functions @NGUElite and bann me every time I post it. I hope you still can enjoy it here and don't ban me too. I would appreciate it if you would give me suggestions and let me know in the comment section what I can...
  14. M

    [1.06] [RELEASE] SkyFall - Zombie Mod Menu SPRX for DEX

    Hello consolecrunch, I'm making a new topic for my SkyFall Zombie Mod Menu ! The menu has been created in C++, it's a SPRX. He has been test in Rebug 4.78 DEX without issues The Menu is not compatible with CEX !! Buy : https://www.facebook.com/MrNiato.Boost4EverTeam
  15. TriteMods

    PS3 [MW3/1.24] Liberation Non-Host SPRX Mod Menu

    Hey CC today I share with you a MW3 nonHost sprx by HostOnly. It has Aimbot, and most nonHost mods. His YouTube >https://www.youtube.com/user/HostOnly Video by SSM
  16. I

    PS3 Jericho Engine Non- Host Mod Menu | Best Non Host | iSkoll | Enjoy BO2 | SPRX

    Welcome To Jericho Engine, This project took about a month to put togather, This was possible for idiotic work of OldSchoolModz for creating Desire Engine. This Menu Have Features from Desire Engine And Additional one that includes In Lobby Menu for RTM. Watch the video and Enjoy. Features...
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