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A friend of mine has rebug 4.46 dex with modded rpf files that work, like cash and xp multiplier. He wont give me a download link for it, but there is a way to mod these. Why does noone knows how?
i dont know why it works to some and doesnt for others. Like i said before, it doesnt work for me. Is there some menu i need to access while playing the game to activate the cheats or what? Why wont someone make a pkg update with cheats.
idk but when i install the eboot for BLUS disk it just keeps installing the 8486 MB data for Gta then restarts a whole new story mode an when i press start i freeze still. Wtf
hi Guys,

I'm toofaces2 and i,m a Developer.

at the moment there is unfortunately no mods for 1:06 but I and my team are working hard to.

have little patience.

And thx rogero for Releasing my mods

Greetings by Toofaces2
it's normal that I don't see my original file update.rpf?
sorry if the question is stupid but I've never tried to do this
If you are missing some file in your BLES/BLUS just try to delete your 1.06 patch and re-download it again.
I tried to do as you told me but I have always the same problem, unfortunately I use ubuntu and I'm trying to find a way to open and edit files pkg, but for now I have not found anything :(
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