Hello all today i will be running a little game called CID lotto.The winner will recieve there own private cid extracted from a broken console it has never been used online Once prize is awarded i will remove it from my system.Lottery will run for 3 days from the time of this post or till winner is declared whichever comes first Good Luck **u may only reply ONCE**
Pick a number between 1 and 100 no odd numbers×
simply reply with your answer.To keep it very honest @Christo cid section and chat manager has the number chosen with Random.org as well i have sent to him in convo
HAVE FUN and again good luck
Credits for Lotto: @Christo @Cheifindica
Well that is it folks please allow @Christo 24 hrs to post screenshot of winning number.If you won prize it will be sent shortly after screenshot posting .
Thank You to @Younis our site admin for console crunch and competions A big thank you to @Christo for all his hard work on this Lotto thank you to all of Console Crunch members and participants .until next time folks!! and as always please support the community and check back here on Console Crunch Competitons for more Lotto PEACE
Pick a number between 1 and 100 no odd numbers×
simply reply with your answer.To keep it very honest @Christo cid section and chat manager has the number chosen with Random.org as well i have sent to him in convo
HAVE FUN and again good luck
Credits for Lotto: @Christo @Cheifindica
Well that is it folks please allow @Christo 24 hrs to post screenshot of winning number.If you won prize it will be sent shortly after screenshot posting .
Thank You to @Younis our site admin for console crunch and competions A big thank you to @Christo for all his hard work on this Lotto thank you to all of Console Crunch members and participants .until next time folks!! and as always please support the community and check back here on Console Crunch Competitons for more Lotto PEACE
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